
本文关键字:工作 连接 为什么 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:04:34


void Main()
    var csv =
@"#Books (format: ISBN, Title, Authors, Publisher, Date, Price)
0735621632,CLR via C#,Jeffrey Richter,Microsoft Press,02-22-2006,59.99
0321127420,Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture,Martin Fowler,Addison-Wesley, 11-05-2002,54.99
0321200683,Enterprise Integration Patterns,Gregor Hohpe,Addison-Wesley,10-10-2003,54.99
0321125215,Domain-Driven Design,Eric Evans,Addison-Wesley Professional,08-22-2003,54.99
1932394613,Ajax In Action,Dave Crane;Eric Pascarello;Darren James,Manning Publications,10-01-2005,44.95";
  using (var reader = new StringReader(csv) /*new StreamReader("books.csv")*/)
    var books =
      from line in reader.Lines()
      where !line.StartsWith("#")
      let parts = line.Split(',')
      select new { Isbn=parts[0], Title=parts[1], Publisher=parts[3] };
    var query =
    from book in books
    from b in books
    where book.Isbn == b.Isbn
    select new 

    // Warning, the reader should not be disposed while we are likely to enumerate the query!
    // Don't forget that deferred execution happens here
}// Temporary hack to enable extension methods
/// <summary>
/// Operators for LINQ to Text Files
/// </summary>
public static class Extensions
  public static IEnumerable<String> Lines(this TextReader source)
    String line;
    if (source == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
    while ((line = source.ReadLine()) != null)
      yield return line;




var books =
   (from line in reader.Lines()
    where !line.StartsWith("#")
    let parts = line.Split(',')
    select new { Isbn = parts[0], Title = parts[1], Publisher = parts[3] })

. tolist()应该完成这项工作。如此:

void Main()
    var csv =
@"#Books (format: ISBN, Title, Authors, Publisher, Date, Price)
0735621632,CLR via C#,Jeffrey Richter,Microsoft Press,02-22-2006,59.99
0321127420,Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture,Martin Fowler,Addison-Wesley, 11-05-2002,54.99
0321200683,Enterprise Integration Patterns,Gregor Hohpe,Addison-Wesley,10-10-2003,54.99
0321125215,Domain-Driven Design,Eric Evans,Addison-Wesley Professional,08-22-2003,54.99
1932394613,Ajax In Action,Dave Crane;Eric Pascarello;Darren James,Manning Publications,10-01-2005,44.95";
  using (var reader = new StringReader(csv) /*new StreamReader("books.csv")*/)
    var books =
      (from line in reader.Lines()
      where !line.StartsWith("#")
      let parts = line.Split(',')
      select new { Isbn=parts[0], Title=parts[1], Publisher=parts[3] }).ToList();
    var query =
    from book in books
    from b in books
    where book.Isbn == b.Isbn
    select new 

    // Warning, the reader should not be disposed while we are likely to enumerate the query!
    // Don't forget that deferred execution happens here
}// Temporary hack to enable extension methods
/// <summary>
/// Operators for LINQ to Text Files
/// </summary>
public static class Extensions
  public static IEnumerable<String> Lines(this TextReader source)
    String line;
    if (source == null)
      throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
    while ((line = source.ReadLine()) != null)
      yield return line;
