
本文关键字:工作 何工作 链表 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:04:50



class ListEntry
    int data;
    ListEntry next;
    public ListEntry( int d )
        data = d;
        next = null;
    public int Data
        get{ return data; }
        set{ data = value; }
    public ListEntry Next
        get{ return next; }
        set{ next = value; }
    public override string ToString( )
        return( data.ToString( ) );

class TestProgram
        static void Main( )
            List list = new List( );
            list.Append( 3);
            Console.WriteLine( list );
            list.Append( 1 );
            Console.WriteLine( list );
            list.Append( 6 );
            Console.WriteLine( list );
            list.Prepend( 4 );
            Console.WriteLine( list );
            // continued…
// Continued…
        list.Prepend( 5 );
        Console.WriteLine( list );
        list.DeleteFirst( 4 );
        Console.WriteLine( list );
        list.Prepend( 2 );
        Console.WriteLine( list );
        Console.WriteLine( "Head data = " + list.Head );
        Console.WriteLine( "Tail data = " + list.Tail );
        list.Clear( );
        Console.WriteLine( list );
        Console.WriteLine( "IsEmpty = " + list.IsEmpty );

using System;
class List
    ListEntry head;
    ListEntry tail;
    class ListEntry
        // Put declaration of ListEntry here.  Nesting of the classes is valid.  In fact, class nesting is
        // preferable if one class is only used within the context of another class.
    public List( )
        head = null;
        tail = null;
    // Continued…

public int Head
    get{ return head.Data; }
public int Tail
    get{ return tail.Data; }
public bool IsEmpty
    get{ return( head == null ); } 
public override string ToString( )
    string tmp = "";
    ListEntry current = head;
    if( current == null )
        tmp = "Empty";
    while( current != null )
        tmp += current + " ";
        current = current.Next;
    return( tmp );
public void Append( int i )
    ListEntry tmp = new ListEntry( i );
    tmp.Next = null;
    if( head == null )
        head = tmp;
        tail.Next = tmp;
    tail = tmp;
public void Prepend( int i )
    ListEntry tmp = new ListEntry( i );
    tmp.Next = head;
    if( head == null )
        tail = tmp;
    head = tmp;
public void DeleteFirst( int i )
    ListEntry current = head;
    ListEntry previous = null;
    while( current != null && current.Data != i )
        previous = current;
        current = current.Next;
    if( current == null )
        throw new ArgumentException( "List entry not found" );
    // Continued…

// Continued…
    if( current == head )
        head = current.Next;
        previous.Next = current.Next;
    if( current == tail )
        tail = previous;







public class LinkedList<T>
    private Node<T> head;
    public void AddAtFront(T data)
        this.head = new Node<T>(data, this.head);
    public void AddAtBack(T data)
        var node = new Node<T>(data);
        var current = this.head;
        if (current == null)
            this.head = node;
            while (current.Next != null)
                current = current.Next;
            current.Next = node;
    public Node<T> Front
            return this.head;
    public Node<T> Back
            var current = this.head;
            if (current != null)
                while (current.Next != null)
                    current = current.Next;
            return current;
    public Node<T> RemoveAtFront()
        var node = this.head;
        if (node != null)
            this.head = node.Next;
        return node;
    public Node<T> RemoveAtBack()
        var current = this.head;
        if (current != null)
            if (current.Next == null)
                this.head = null;
                Node<T> nextToLast = null;
                while (current.Next != null)
                    nextToLast = current;
                    current = current.Next;
                nextToLast.Next = null;
        return current;

public class Node<T>
    private readonly T data;
    private Node<T> next;
    public Node(T data)
        this.data = data;
    public Node(T data, Node<T> next)
        this.data = data;
        this.next = next;
    public T Data
            return this.data;
    public Node<T> Next
            return this.next;
            this.next = value;