
本文关键字:字符串 表达式 linq lambda 如果 设置 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:05:06


 foreach (var item in listOfFieldNames)
    list.Where(s =>  s.GetType().GetProperty(item).GetValue(s, null).ToString().ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower()));


我想改变我的s = null为s = " "但我不知道如何做到这一点。你们能帮帮我吗?或者有一种方法可以跳过空记录继续循环而不会出现异常。这对我也有帮助。




list.Where(s => s != null && s.GetType().GetProperty(item).GetValue(s, null).ToString().ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower()));



list.Where(s => 
    var property = s.GetType().GetProperty(item);
    var value = property.GetValue(s, null);
    if (value == null) return false;
    return value.ToString().Contains(searchString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);


list.RemoveAll(s => s == null);
// doing the .ToLower() on searchString before the query will improve performance.  
// The original form would execute each pass (as a note .ToUpper() is slightly faster for 
// conversions and comparisons since upper case letter come before lower case.
searchString = searchString.ToLower();
// assuming `list` is a List<T> this will allow the inner type of be used to get the 
// property list. It is possible to check that getters exist for the properties which 
// may be helpful if you have any setter only properties. If you work with any languages
// other than C# you may also want to exclude properties with indexers.
var properties = list.GetType()
                     .Where(p => listOfFieldNames.Contains(p.Name))
var query = from listItem in list
            // if you have any setter only properties p.GetValue() will cause an exception
            let values = properties.Select(p => p.GetValue(listItem))
                                   .Where(p => p != null)
            // you probably don't see the null coalesce but it is possible that .ToString()
            // was over ridden and could allow null. The empty string is simplier to inline
            // than to add another null filter after the .ToString()
                                   .Select(p => (p.ToString() ?? "").ToLower())
            // this will allow you to compare all properties that had values to your search
            where values.Contains(searchString)
            select listItem;
// this will create a new list that will contain all of the values from list that had at 
// least one property that matched your searc hstring
var matched = query.ToList();