本文关键字:泛型 设置 动态 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:50:37
下面GetConfigurationSettingMessageResponse<DYNAMICALLYSETTHIS> ch;
if (MessagingClient.SendSingleMessage(request, out ch))
if (ch.ConfigurationData != null)
data = ch.ConfigurationData;
void HelperMethod<TType>(){
GetConfigurationSettingMessageResponse<TType> ch;
if (MessagingClient.SendSingleMessage(request, out ch))
... //Do your stuff.
void SendSingleMessage(int request, out GetConfigurationSettingMessageResponse<object> obj)
if (obj.InnerObject is Class1)
else if...
class GetConfigurationSettingMessageResponse<T>
public T _innerObject { get; set; }
using System.Reflection;
public class ResponseWrapper {
public static ConfigurationData GetConfiguration( Request request, Type dtype )
// build the type at runtime
Type chtype = typeof(GetConfigurationSettingMessgeResponse<>);
Type gchtype = chtype.MakeGenericType( new Type[] { dtype } );
// create an instance. Note, you'll have to know about your
// constructor args in advance. If the consturctor has no
// args, use Activator.CreateIntsance.
// new GetConfigurationSettingMessageResponse<gchtype>
object ch = Activator.CreateInstance(gchtype);
// now invoke SendSingleMessage ( assuming MessagingClient is a
// static class - hence first argument is null.
// now pass in a reference to our ch object.
MethodInfo sendsingle = typeof(MessagingClient).GetMethod("SendSingleMessage");
sendsingle.Invoke( null, new object[] { request, ref ch } );
// we've successfulled made the call. Now return ConfigurtationData
// find the property using our generic type
PropertyInfo chcd = gchtype.GetProperty("ConfigurationData");
// call the getter.
object data = chcd.GetValue( ch, null );
// cast and return data
return data as ConfigurationData;