如何使用Open XML密码保护Excel文档

本文关键字:Excel 文档 密码保护 XML 何使用 Open | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:06:49

目前,我正在通过传递MemoryStream参数创建一个具有Open XML的SpreadsheetDocument类的新Excel文档。我现在需要在这个SpreadsheetDocument对象上设置一个密码,但我所尝试的似乎不起作用。Excel文档不需要输入密码就能打开。下面是我到目前为止所尝试的(memMemoryStream参数):

using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(mem, true))
    foreach (var sheet in spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts)
        sheet.Worksheet.Append(new SheetProtection() { Password = "test" });


using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(mem, true))
    spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.Workbook.WorkbookProtection = new WorkbookProtection
        LockStructure = true,
        LockWindows = true,
        WorkbookPassword = "test"


如何使用Open XML密码保护Excel文档

Openxml sheet protect Password的输入数据类型为"HexBinaryValue"。因此,输入密码必须从字符串转换为十六进制二进制。

foreach (var worksheetPart in spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts)
         //Call the method to convert the Password string "MyPasswordfor sheet" to hexbinary type
         string hexConvertedPassword =  HexPasswordConversion("MyPasswordfor sheet");
//passing the Converted password to sheet protection
          SheetProtection sheetProt = new SheetProtection() { Sheet = true, Objects = true, Scenarios = true, Password = hexConvertedPassword };

/* This method will convert the string password to hexabinary value */
 protected string HexPasswordConversion(string password)
            byte[] passwordCharacters = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password);
            int hash = 0;
            if (passwordCharacters.Length > 0)
                int charIndex = passwordCharacters.Length;
                while (charIndex-- > 0)
                    hash = ((hash >> 14) & 0x01) | ((hash << 1) & 0x7fff);
                    hash ^= passwordCharacters[charIndex];
                // Main difference from spec, also hash with charcount
                hash = ((hash >> 14) & 0x01) | ((hash << 1) & 0x7fff);
                hash ^= passwordCharacters.Length;
                hash ^= (0x8000 | ('N' << 8) | 'K');
            return Convert.ToString(hash, 16).ToUpperInvariant();

好吧,这并不完全是我想做的,但我最终放弃了Open XML SDK,转而使用Office。互操作程序集以保护文档。首先使用Open XML的原因是,似乎不能用流打开互操作工作簿,它需要一个实际的文件。


using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(mem, true))
     foreach (var worksheetPart in spreadsheet.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts)
          SheetProtection sheetProt = new SheetProtection() { Sheet = true, Objects = true, Scenarios = true, Password = "test" };
          worksheetPart.Worksheet.InsertAfter(sheetProt, worksheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<SheetData>().LastOrDefault());