
本文关键字:组件 添加 动态 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:07:05


GameObject obj = _factory.Create(); // Creates from prefab
HasScore score = obj.AddComponent<HasScore>(); // attach the component

问题是HasScore组件没有经过IoC,因此依赖关系没有被注入。我的问题是如何添加组件?或者我怎么让它通过IoC ?我在文档中找不到这个,如果有人找到的话,我将不胜感激

public void Initialize(SomeSignal.Trigger trigger)
    _trigger = trigger;
    Debug.Log("[+] Injecting in HasScore...");


Bunny83在Unity Answers回答了这个问题。答案在Zenject的IInstantiator接口中。

// Add new component to existing game object and fill in its dependencies
// NOTE: Gameobject here is not a prefab prototype, it is an instance
TContract InstantiateComponent<TContract>(GameObject gameObject)
    where TContract : Component;
TContract InstantiateComponent<TContract>(
    GameObject gameObject, IEnumerable<object> extraArgs)
    where TContract : Component;
Component InstantiateComponent(
    Type componentType, GameObject gameObject);
Component InstantiateComponent(
    Type componentType, GameObject gameObject, IEnumerable<object> extraArgs);
Component InstantiateComponentExplicit(
    Type componentType, GameObject gameObject, List<TypeValuePair> extraArgs);


GameObject obj = _factory.Create(); // Creates from prefab
// instantiate and attach the component in once function 
HasScore hasScore = Container.InstantiateComponent<HasScore>(obj);