XNA: 2D Foreach碰撞检测问题与参考"t"在当前上下文中不存在
本文关键字:quot 上下文 不存在 问题 碰撞检测 参考 2D XNA Foreach | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:50:44
case MenuScreens.Playing:
// This is allowing the player to go back to
// The main menu by pressing the escape key.
KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState();
if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))
menuState = MenuScreens.MainMenu;
//Updating the player1 and player2
foreach (Darknut a in darknutList)
// Collision for player to darknut
// Note : If bounding box "a" (the darknut) comes into contact with boundingbox "p" (the player)
// Then darknut will be destroyed : BUT with reduction in player health.
if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(p.boundingBox))
// Health of the player at "20" hitpoints. Every time the player gets hit by a darknut
// take 20 pixels of the healthbar from 200 in total.
p.health -= 20;
// Make darknut invisable = deletion
a.isVisible = false;
// check to see if any darknuts come in contact with the arrows if so destroy arrow and darknut.
for (int i = 0; i < p.arrowList.Count; i++)
// Returning the element at a specified element in the sequence
// Translate : If any of the darknuts bounding box intersecs with the arrows bounding box
// then destroy both by making the darknut and arrow invisible.
if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox))
// when player hits darknut with arrow give them "X" score
hud.playerScore += 5;
a.isVisible = false;
p.arrowList.ElementAt(i).isVisible = false;
foreach (Darknut t in darknutList)
if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p2.boundingBox))
// Health of the player at "20" hitpoints. Every time the player gets hit by a darknut
// take 20 pixels of the healthbar from 200 in total.
p2.health -= 20;
// Make darknut invisable = deletion
t.isVisible = false;
for (int i = 0; i < p2.arrowList.Count; i++)
// Returning the element at a specified element in the sequence
// Translate : If any of the darknuts bounding box intersecs with the arrows bounding box
// then destroy both by making the darknut and arrow invisible.
if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox))
// when player hits darknut with arrow give them "X" score
hud.playerScore2 += 5;
t.isVisible = false;
p2.arrowList.ElementAt(i).isVisible = false;
// Loading Darknuts
// Loading Darknuts
//Updating the player
//Updating the player2
// Updating the background
// Updating the player health if it hits zero then go to gameover State
if (p.health <= 0)
menuState = MenuScreens.GameOver;
if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox))
应该if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p2.arrowList[i].boundingBox))
case MenuScreens.Playing:
// This is allowing the player to go back to
// The main menu by pressing the escape key.
KeyboardState keyState = Keyboard.GetState();
if (keyState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))
menuState = MenuScreens.MainMenu;
//Updating the player1 and player2
foreach (Darknut a in darknutList)
// Collision for player to darknut
// Note : If bounding box "a" (the darknut) comes into contact with boundingbox "p" (the player)
// Then darknut will be destroyed : BUT with reduction in player health.
if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(p.boundingBox))
// Health of the player at "20" hitpoints. Every time the player gets hit by a darknut
// take 20 pixels of the healthbar from 200 in total.
p.health -= 20;
// Make darknut invisable = deletion
a.isVisible = false;
// check to see if any darknuts come in contact with the arrows if so destroy arrow and darknut.
for (int i = 0; i < p.arrowList.Count; i++)
// Returning the element at a specified element in the sequence
// Translate : If any of the darknuts bounding box intersecs with the arrows bounding box
// then destroy both by making the darknut and arrow invisible.
if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox))
// when player hits darknut with arrow give them "X" score
hud.playerScore += 5;
a.isVisible = false;
p.arrowList.ElementAt(i).isVisible = false;
foreach (Darknut t in darknutList)
if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p2.boundingBox))
// Health of the player at "20" hitpoints. Every time the player gets hit by a darknut
// take 20 pixels of the healthbar from 200 in total.
p2.health -= 20;
// Make darknut invisable = deletion
t.isVisible = false;
for (int i = 0; i < p2.arrowList.Count; i++)
// Returning the element at a specified element in the sequence
// Translate : If any of the darknuts bounding box intersecs with the arrows bounding box
// then destroy both by making the darknut and arrow invisible.
if (t.boundingBox.Intersects(p.arrowList[i].boundingBox))
// when player hits darknut with arrow give them "X" score
hud.playerScore2 += 5;
t.isVisible = false;
p2.arrowList.ElementAt(i).isVisible = false;
// Loading Darknuts
// Loading Darknuts
//Updating the player
//Updating the player2
// Updating the background
// Updating the player health if it hits zero then go to gameover State
if (p.health <= 0)
menuState = MenuScreens.GameOver;