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    <h2>User Reviews</h2>
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                <div class="tinystarbar" title="2/10">
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            <span itemprop="review" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Review">  
                <strong itemprop="name">Terrible movie</strong>
                <span itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Rating">
                    <meta itemprop="worstRating" content="1">
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                <div class="comment-meta">
                    22 December 2013 | by <a href="/user/ur49033470/?ref_=tt_urv"><span itemprop="author">sarconus</span></a>
                    <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2013-12-22">
                    – <a href="/user/ur49033470/comments?ref_=tt_urv">See all my reviews</a>
                    <p itemprop="reviewBody">This was one of the worst movies I have watched in quite sometime.The fist movie was fantastic and I still quote it to this day...<br><br>Sadly they played the dumb card the entire movie. Only funny parts were raciest. They couldn't make up their mind on what they wanted to do with this movie and brought in elements from the first that shouldn't have been touched.<br><br>Sorry this was a waste of time and money. The first movie will forever live in glory but this one will pass away.<br><br>If you loved the fist movie I would recommend waiting for DVD or just pass this one.</p>
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                37 of 66 people found this review helpful.&nbsp;
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