
本文关键字:转换 代码 VBS | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:08:30

我只是有下面的代码,是提供作为hMailServer的DCOM API在http://www.hmailserver.com/documentation/latest/?page=com_example_account_create下面的脚本工作良好。它没有参考,什么都没有。在安装hMailServer之后,运行下面的代码就可以创建一个帐户。现在,我需要在c#中做同样的事情。他们没有为我提供任何c#的库,我搜索了一下,但没有相关的结果,我只有下面的代码,但根据hMailServer API,他们说你可以把下面的脚本转换成任何你想要的语言。但如何?我甚至不知道如何开始写,甚至第一行。谁来帮帮我。

Dim obApp
   Set obApp = CreateObject("hMailServer.Application")
   ' Authenticate. Without doing this, we won't have permission
   ' to change any server settings or add any objects to the
   ' installation.   
   Call obApp.Authenticate("Administrator", "your-main-hmailserver-password")
   ' Locate the domain we want to add the account to
   Dim obDomain
   Set obDomain = obApp.Domains.ItemByName("example.com")
   Dim obAccount
   Set obAccount = obDomain.Accounts.Add
   ' Set the account properties
   obAccount.Address = "account@example.com"
   obAccount.Password = "secret"
   obAccount.Active = True
   obAccount.MaxSize = 100 ' Allow max 100 megabytes




var app = new hMailServer.Application();
// Authenticate. Without doing this, we won't have permission
// to change any server settings or add any objects to the
// installation.   
app.Authenticate("Administrator", "your-main-hmailserver-password");
// Locate the domain we want to add the account to
var domain = app.Domains["example.com"];
var account = domain.Accounts.Add();
// Set the account properties
account.Address = "account@example.com";
account.Password = "secret";
account.Active = true;
account.MaxSize = 100; // Allow max 100 megabytes

我希望这仍然是相关的,可以帮助别人。在这里,我只是使用get item by name属性来提取hMailServer中配置的域名。

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var app = new hMailServer.Application();
    // Authenticate. Without doing this, we won't have permission
    // to change any server settings or add any objects to the
    // installation.   
    app.Authenticate("Administrator", "your.admin.password.here");
    // Locate the domain we want to add the account to
    var domain = app.Domains.get_ItemByName("your.configured.domain.name.here");
    var account = domain.Accounts.Add();
    // Set the account properties
    account.Address = "account.name.here";
    account.Password = "pass.word.here";
    account.Active = true;
    account.MaxSize = 100; // Allow max 100 megabytes