
本文关键字:应用程序 Windows 桌面 图标 现代 获取 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:09:01


private static BitmapSource GetWindowIcon(IntPtr windowHandle)
    var hIcon = default(IntPtr);
    hIcon = SendMessage(windowHandle, WM_GETICON, ICON_BIG, IntPtr.Zero);
    if (hIcon == IntPtr.Zero)
        hIcon = GetClassLongPtr(windowHandle, GCL_HICON);
    if (hIcon == IntPtr.Zero)
        hIcon = LoadIcon(IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)0x7F00/*IDI_APPLICATION*/);
    if (hIcon != IntPtr.Zero)
        return Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(hIcon, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());
    } else {
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not load window icon.");






  1. 你应该运行这个升级,否则你将无法访问文件夹与应用程序资源(我想,没有真正检查自己,因为调查的事情,我授予自己访问该文件夹)。
  2. 现代应用程序在ApplicationFrameHost主机进程下运行。您将需要一些技巧来获得实际的可执行文件(如Calculator.exe),这些技巧在代码中被注释。
  3. 现代应用程序清单包含路径的标志,但可能有几个标志(黑色,白色,白色结构为例)。你需要一些逻辑来选择一个。我自己没有详细调查过。
  4. 我在Windows 10的计算器应用程序上测试了这个,它工作得很好。但是,当然需要更多的应用程序进行更多的测试,以确保一切正常。


public static class IconHelper {
    public static BitmapSource GetForegroundWindowIcon() {
        var hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
        uint pid;
        GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, out pid);
        Process proc = Process.GetProcessById((int) pid);
        // modern apps run under ApplicationFrameHost host process in windows 10
        // don't forget to check if that is true for windows 8 - maybe they use another host there
        if (proc.MainModule.ModuleName == "ApplicationFrameHost.exe") {
            // this should be modern app
            return GetModernAppLogo(hwnd);
        return GetWindowIcon(hwnd);
    public static BitmapSource GetModernAppLogo(IntPtr hwnd) {
        // get folder where actual app resides
        var exePath = GetModernAppProcessPath(hwnd); 
        var dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath);
        var manifestPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "AppxManifest.xml");            
        if (File.Exists(manifestPath)) {
            // this is manifest file
            string pathToLogo;
            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(manifestPath)) {
                var manifest = XDocument.Load(fs);
                const string ns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10";
                // rude parsing - take more care here
                pathToLogo = manifest.Root.Element(XName.Get("Properties", ns)).Element(XName.Get("Logo", ns)).Value;
            // now here it is tricky again - there are several files that match logo, for example
            // black, white, contrast white. Here we choose first, but you might do differently
            string finalLogo = null;
            // serach for all files that match file name in Logo element but with any suffix (like "Logo.black.png, Logo.white.png etc)
            foreach (var logoFile in Directory.GetFiles(System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToLogo)),
                System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathToLogo) + "*" + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(pathToLogo))) {
                finalLogo = logoFile;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(finalLogo)) {
                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(finalLogo)) {
                    var img = new BitmapImage() {
                    img.StreamSource = fs;
                    img.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
                    return img;
        return null;
    private static string GetModernAppProcessPath(IntPtr hwnd) {
        uint pid = 0;
        GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, out pid);            
        // now this is a bit tricky. Modern apps are hosted inside ApplicationFrameHost process, so we need to find
        // child window which does NOT belong to this process. This should be the process we need
        var children = GetChildWindows(hwnd);
        foreach (var childHwnd in children) {
            uint childPid = 0;
            GetWindowThreadProcessId(childHwnd, out childPid);
            if (childPid != pid) {
                // here we are
                Process childProc = Process.GetProcessById((int) childPid);
                return childProc.MainModule.FileName;
        throw new Exception("Cannot find a path to Modern App executable file");
    public static BitmapSource GetWindowIcon(IntPtr windowHandle) {
        var hIcon = default(IntPtr);
        hIcon = SendMessage(windowHandle, WM_GETICON, (IntPtr) ICON_BIG, IntPtr.Zero);
        if (hIcon == IntPtr.Zero)
            hIcon = GetClassLongPtr(windowHandle, GCL_HICON);
        if (hIcon == IntPtr.Zero) {
            hIcon = LoadIcon(IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr) 0x7F00 /*IDI_APPLICATION*/);
        if (hIcon != IntPtr.Zero) {
            return Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(hIcon, Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromEmptyOptions());
        else {
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not load window icon.");
    #region Helper methods
    const UInt32 WM_GETICON = 0x007F;
    const int ICON_BIG = 1;
    const int GCL_HICON = -14;
    private static List<IntPtr> GetChildWindows(IntPtr parent)
        List<IntPtr> result = new List<IntPtr>();
        GCHandle listHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(result);
            EnumWindowProc childProc = new EnumWindowProc(EnumWindow);
            EnumChildWindows(parent, childProc, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(listHandle));
            if (listHandle.IsAllocated)
        return result;
    private static bool EnumWindow(IntPtr handle, IntPtr pointer)
        GCHandle gch = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(pointer);
        List<IntPtr> list = gch.Target as List<IntPtr>;
        if (list == null)
            throw new InvalidCastException("GCHandle Target could not be cast as List<IntPtr>");
        //  You can modify this to check to see if you want to cancel the operation, then return a null here
        return true;
    public delegate bool EnumWindowProc(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr lParam);
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    public static extern bool EnumChildWindows(IntPtr parentHandle, EnumWindowProc callback, IntPtr lParam);
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr handle, out uint processId);
    private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
    static extern IntPtr LoadIcon(IntPtr hInstance, IntPtr lpIconName);
    [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
    private static IntPtr GetClassLongPtr(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex)
        if (IntPtr.Size > 4)
            return GetClassLongPtr64(hWnd, nIndex);
            return new IntPtr(GetClassLongPtr32(hWnd, nIndex));
    [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetClassLong")]
    public static extern uint GetClassLongPtr32(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex);
    [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetClassLongPtr")]
    public static extern IntPtr GetClassLongPtr64(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex);


var icon = IconHelper.GetForegroundWindowIcon();

大多数"modern app"(或Windows Store应用程序,或AppX应用程序模型中的应用程序)信息可以从官方api查询。


这些API是原生的,所以据我所知,它们在。net框架中没有等同的。然而,它们可以通过某种方式从WinRT应用程序访问(你确实可以从标准的。net框架应用程序访问一些WinRT api,但这是一种hack)。

因此,我已经构建了一个实用程序类,它将允许您从这些应用程序中获取信息。下面是一个示例应用程序,它转储所有当前加载的Windows Store包&应用。


问题是你能找到的在很大程度上取决于应用程序本身,所以它不是超级容易确定什么图像你可以使用,我没有找到任何API为此,所以我已经编码了一个样本,获得最高规模的图像为一个给定的资源名称为例(FindHighestScaleQualifiedImagePath)。您可以从此路径加载WPF BitmapSource(或任何其他成像平台资源)。

    static void Main(string[] args)
        foreach (var p in Process.GetProcesses())
            var package = AppxPackage.FromProcess(p);
            if (package != null)
                Show(0, package);
    private static void Show(int indent, AppxPackage package)
        string sindent = new string(' ', indent);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "FullName               : " + package.FullName);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "FamilyName             : " + package.FamilyName);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "IsFramework            : " + package.IsFramework);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "ApplicationUserModelId : " + package.ApplicationUserModelId);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "Path                   : " + package.Path);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "Publisher              : " + package.Publisher);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "PublisherId            : " + package.PublisherId);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "Logo                   : " + package.Logo);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "Best Logo Path         : " + package.FindHighestScaleQualifiedImagePath(package.Logo));
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "ProcessorArchitecture  : " + package.ProcessorArchitecture);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "Version                : " + package.Version);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "PublisherDisplayName   : " + package.PublisherDisplayName);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "   Localized           : " + package.LoadResourceString(package.PublisherDisplayName));
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "DisplayName            : " + package.DisplayName);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "   Localized           : " + package.LoadResourceString(package.DisplayName));
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "Description            : " + package.Description);
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "   Localized           : " + package.LoadResourceString(package.Description));
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "Apps                   :");
        int i = 0;
        foreach (var app in package.Apps)
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Description       : " + app.Description);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + "   Localized           : " + package.LoadResourceString(app.Description));
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] DisplayName       : " + app.DisplayName);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + "   Localized           : " + package.LoadResourceString(app.DisplayName));
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] ShortName         : " + app.ShortName);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + "   Localized           : " + package.LoadResourceString(app.ShortName));
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] EntryPoint        : " + app.EntryPoint);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Executable        : " + app.Executable);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Id                : " + app.Id);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Logo              : " + app.Logo);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] SmallLogo         : " + app.SmallLogo);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] StartPage         : " + app.StartPage);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Square150x150Logo : " + app.Square150x150Logo);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Square30x30Logo   : " + app.Square30x30Logo);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] BackgroundColor   : " + app.BackgroundColor);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] ForegroundText    : " + app.ForegroundText);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] WideLogo          : " + app.WideLogo);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Wide310x310Logo   : " + app.Wide310x310Logo);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Square310x310Logo : " + app.Square310x310Logo);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Square70x70Logo   : " + app.Square70x70Logo);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] MinWidth          : " + app.MinWidth);
            Console.WriteLine(sindent + " App [" + i + "] Square71x71Logo   : " + app.GetStringValue("Square71x71Logzo"));
        Console.WriteLine(sindent + "Deps                   :");
        foreach (var dep in package.DependencyGraph)
            Show(indent + 1, dep);
public sealed class AppxPackage
    private List<AppxApp> _apps = new List<AppxApp>();
    private IAppxManifestProperties _properties;
    private AppxPackage()
    public string FullName { get; private set; }
    public string Path { get; private set; }
    public string Publisher { get; private set; }
    public string PublisherId { get; private set; }
    public string ResourceId { get; private set; }
    public string FamilyName { get; private set; }
    public string ApplicationUserModelId { get; private set; }
    public string Logo { get; private set; }
    public string PublisherDisplayName { get; private set; }
    public string Description { get; private set; }
    public string DisplayName { get; private set; }
    public bool IsFramework { get; private set; }
    public Version Version { get; private set; }
    public AppxPackageArchitecture ProcessorArchitecture { get; private set; }
    public IReadOnlyList<AppxApp> Apps
            return _apps;
    public IEnumerable<AppxPackage> DependencyGraph
            return QueryPackageInfo(FullName, PackageConstants.PACKAGE_FILTER_ALL_LOADED).Where(p => p.FullName != FullName);
    public string FindHighestScaleQualifiedImagePath(string resourceName)
        if (resourceName == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceName");
        const string scaleToken = ".scale-";
        var sizes = new List<int>();
        string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(resourceName);
        string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(resourceName);
        foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(resourceName)), name + scaleToken + "*" + ext))
            string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
            int pos = fileName.IndexOf(scaleToken) + scaleToken.Length;
            string sizeText = fileName.Substring(pos);
            int size;
            if (int.TryParse(sizeText, out size))
        if (sizes.Count == 0)
            return null;
        return System.IO.Path.Combine(Path, System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(resourceName), name + scaleToken + sizes.Last() + ext);
    public override string ToString()
        return FullName;
    public static AppxPackage FromWindow(IntPtr handle)
        int processId;
        GetWindowThreadProcessId(handle, out processId);
        if (processId == 0)
            return null;
        return FromProcess(processId);
    public static AppxPackage FromProcess(Process process)
        if (process == null)
            process = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
            return FromProcess(process.Handle);
            // probably access denied on .Handle
            return null;
    public static AppxPackage FromProcess(int processId)
        const int QueryLimitedInformation = 0x1000;
        IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess(QueryLimitedInformation, false, processId);
            return FromProcess(hProcess);
            if (hProcess != IntPtr.Zero)
    public static AppxPackage FromProcess(IntPtr hProcess)
        if (hProcess == IntPtr.Zero)
            return null;
        // hprocess must have been opened with QueryLimitedInformation
        int len = 0;
        GetPackageFullName(hProcess, ref len, null);
        if (len == 0)
            return null;
        var sb = new StringBuilder(len);
        string fullName = GetPackageFullName(hProcess, ref len, sb) == 0 ? sb.ToString() : null;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName)) // not an AppX
            return null;
        var package = QueryPackageInfo(fullName, PackageConstants.PACKAGE_FILTER_HEAD).First();
        len = 0;
        GetApplicationUserModelId(hProcess, ref len, null);
        sb = new StringBuilder(len);
        package.ApplicationUserModelId = GetApplicationUserModelId(hProcess, ref len, sb) == 0 ? sb.ToString() : null;
        return package;
    public string GetPropertyStringValue(string name)
        if (name == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
        return GetStringValue(_properties, name);
    public bool GetPropertyBoolValue(string name)
        if (name == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
        return GetBoolValue(_properties, name);
    public string LoadResourceString(string resource)
        return LoadResourceString(FullName, resource);
    private static IEnumerable<AppxPackage> QueryPackageInfo(string fullName, PackageConstants flags)
        IntPtr infoRef;
        OpenPackageInfoByFullName(fullName, 0, out infoRef);
        if (infoRef != IntPtr.Zero)
            IntPtr infoBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
                int len = 0;
                int count;
                GetPackageInfo(infoRef, flags, ref len, IntPtr.Zero, out count);
                if (len > 0)
                    var factory = (IAppxFactory)new AppxFactory();
                    infoBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len);
                    int res = GetPackageInfo(infoRef, flags, ref len, infoBuffer, out count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        var info = (PACKAGE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(infoBuffer + i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PACKAGE_INFO)), typeof(PACKAGE_INFO));
                        var package = new AppxPackage();
                        package.FamilyName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(info.packageFamilyName);
                        package.FullName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(info.packageFullName);
                        package.Path = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(info.path);
                        package.Publisher = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(info.packageId.publisher);
                        package.PublisherId = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(info.packageId.publisherId);
                        package.ResourceId = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(info.packageId.resourceId);
                        package.ProcessorArchitecture = info.packageId.processorArchitecture;
                        package.Version = new Version(info.packageId.VersionMajor, info.packageId.VersionMinor, info.packageId.VersionBuild, info.packageId.VersionRevision);
                        // read manifest
                        string manifestPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(package.Path, "AppXManifest.xml");
                        const int STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE = 0x40;
                        IStream strm;
                        SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(manifestPath, STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE, 0, false, IntPtr.Zero, out strm);
                        if (strm != null)
                            var reader = factory.CreateManifestReader(strm);
                            package._properties = reader.GetProperties();
                            package.Description = package.GetPropertyStringValue("Description");
                            package.DisplayName = package.GetPropertyStringValue("DisplayName");
                            package.Logo = package.GetPropertyStringValue("Logo");
                            package.PublisherDisplayName = package.GetPropertyStringValue("PublisherDisplayName");
                            package.IsFramework = package.GetPropertyBoolValue("Framework");
                            var apps = reader.GetApplications();
                            while (apps.GetHasCurrent())
                                var app = apps.GetCurrent();
                                var appx = new AppxApp(app);
                                appx.Description = GetStringValue(app, "Description");
                                appx.DisplayName = GetStringValue(app, "DisplayName");
                                appx.EntryPoint = GetStringValue(app, "EntryPoint");
                                appx.Executable = GetStringValue(app, "Executable");
                                appx.Id = GetStringValue(app, "Id");
                                appx.Logo = GetStringValue(app, "Logo");
                                appx.SmallLogo = GetStringValue(app, "SmallLogo");
                                appx.StartPage = GetStringValue(app, "StartPage");
                                appx.Square150x150Logo = GetStringValue(app, "Square150x150Logo");
                                appx.Square30x30Logo = GetStringValue(app, "Square30x30Logo");
                                appx.BackgroundColor = GetStringValue(app, "BackgroundColor");
                                appx.ForegroundText = GetStringValue(app, "ForegroundText");
                                appx.WideLogo = GetStringValue(app, "WideLogo");
                                appx.Wide310x310Logo = GetStringValue(app, "Wide310x310Logo");
                                appx.ShortName = GetStringValue(app, "ShortName");
                                appx.Square310x310Logo = GetStringValue(app, "Square310x310Logo");
                                appx.Square70x70Logo = GetStringValue(app, "Square70x70Logo");
                                appx.MinWidth = GetStringValue(app, "MinWidth");
                        yield return package;
                if (infoBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)
    public static string LoadResourceString(string packageFullName, string resource)
        if (packageFullName == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("packageFullName");
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resource))
            return null;
        const string resourceScheme = "ms-resource:";
        if (!resource.StartsWith(resourceScheme))
            return null;
        string part = resource.Substring(resourceScheme.Length);
        string url;
        if (part.StartsWith("/"))
            url = resourceScheme + "//" + part;
            url = resourceScheme + "///resources/" + part;
        string source = string.Format("@{{{0}? {1}}}", packageFullName, url);
        var sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
        int i = SHLoadIndirectString(source, sb, sb.Capacity, IntPtr.Zero);
        if (i != 0)
            return null;
        return sb.ToString();
    private static string GetStringValue(IAppxManifestProperties props, string name)
        if (props == null)
            return null;
        string value;
        props.GetStringValue(name, out value);
        return value;
    private static bool GetBoolValue(IAppxManifestProperties props, string name)
        bool value;
        props.GetBoolValue(name, out value);
        return value;
    internal static string GetStringValue(IAppxManifestApplication app, string name)
        string value;
        app.GetStringValue(name, out value);
        return value;
    [Guid("5842a140-ff9f-4166-8f5c-62f5b7b0c781"), ComImport]
    private class AppxFactory
    [Guid("BEB94909-E451-438B-B5A7-D79E767B75D8"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    private interface IAppxFactory
        void _VtblGap0_2(); // skip 2 methods
        IAppxManifestReader CreateManifestReader(IStream inputStream);
    [Guid("4E1BD148-55A0-4480-A3D1-15544710637C"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    private interface IAppxManifestReader
        void _VtblGap0_1(); // skip 1 method
        IAppxManifestProperties GetProperties();
        void _VtblGap1_5(); // skip 5 methods
        IAppxManifestApplicationsEnumerator GetApplications();
    [Guid("9EB8A55A-F04B-4D0D-808D-686185D4847A"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    private interface IAppxManifestApplicationsEnumerator
        IAppxManifestApplication GetCurrent();
        bool GetHasCurrent();
        bool MoveNext();
    [Guid("5DA89BF4-3773-46BE-B650-7E744863B7E8"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    internal interface IAppxManifestApplication
        int GetStringValue([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string name, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string vaue);
    [Guid("03FAF64D-F26F-4B2C-AAF7-8FE7789B8BCA"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
    private interface IAppxManifestProperties
        int GetBoolValue([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string name, out bool value);
        int GetStringValue([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string name, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string vaue);
    [DllImport("shlwapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int SHLoadIndirectString(string pszSource, StringBuilder pszOutBuf, int cchOutBuf, IntPtr ppvReserved);
    [DllImport("shlwapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(string fileName, int grfMode, int attributes, bool create, IntPtr reserved, out IStream stream);
    private static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out int lpdwProcessId);
    private static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(int dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId);
    private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int OpenPackageInfoByFullName(string packageFullName, int reserved, out IntPtr packageInfoReference);
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int GetPackageInfo(IntPtr packageInfoReference, PackageConstants flags, ref int bufferLength, IntPtr buffer, out int count);
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int ClosePackageInfo(IntPtr packageInfoReference);
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int GetPackageFullName(IntPtr hProcess, ref int packageFullNameLength, StringBuilder packageFullName);
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int GetApplicationUserModelId(IntPtr hProcess, ref int applicationUserModelIdLength, StringBuilder applicationUserModelId);
    private enum PackageConstants
        PACKAGE_FILTER_ALL_LOADED = 0x00000000,
        PACKAGE_PROPERTY_FRAMEWORK = 0x00000001,
        PACKAGE_PROPERTY_RESOURCE = 0x00000002,
        PACKAGE_PROPERTY_BUNDLE = 0x00000004,
        PACKAGE_FILTER_HEAD = 0x00000010,
        PACKAGE_FILTER_DIRECT = 0x00000020,
        PACKAGE_FILTER_RESOURCE = 0x00000040,
        PACKAGE_FILTER_BUNDLE = 0x00000080,
        PACKAGE_INFORMATION_BASIC = 0x00000000,
        PACKAGE_INFORMATION_FULL = 0x00000100,
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    private struct PACKAGE_INFO
        public int reserved;
        public int flags;
        public IntPtr path;
        public IntPtr packageFullName;
        public IntPtr packageFamilyName;
        public PACKAGE_ID packageId;
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    private struct PACKAGE_ID
        public int reserved;
        public AppxPackageArchitecture processorArchitecture;
        public ushort VersionRevision;
        public ushort VersionBuild;
        public ushort VersionMinor;
        public ushort VersionMajor;
        public IntPtr name;
        public IntPtr publisher;
        public IntPtr resourceId;
        public IntPtr publisherId;
public sealed class AppxApp
    private AppxPackage.IAppxManifestApplication _app;
    internal AppxApp(AppxPackage.IAppxManifestApplication app)
        _app = app;
    public string GetStringValue(string name)
        if (name == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
        return AppxPackage.GetStringValue(_app, name);
    // we code well-known but there are others (like Square71x71Logo, Square44x44Logo, whatever ...)
    // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh446703.aspx
    public string Description { get; internal set; }
    public string DisplayName { get; internal set; }
    public string EntryPoint { get; internal set; }
    public string Executable { get; internal set; }
    public string Id { get; internal set; }
    public string Logo { get; internal set; }
    public string SmallLogo { get; internal set; }
    public string StartPage { get; internal set; }
    public string Square150x150Logo { get; internal set; }
    public string Square30x30Logo { get; internal set; }
    public string BackgroundColor { get; internal set; }
    public string ForegroundText { get; internal set; }
    public string WideLogo { get; internal set; }
    public string Wide310x310Logo { get; internal set; }
    public string ShortName { get; internal set; }
    public string Square310x310Logo { get; internal set; }
    public string Square70x70Logo { get; internal set; }
    public string MinWidth { get; internal set; }
public enum AppxPackageArchitecture
    x86 = 0,
    Arm = 5,
    x64 = 9,
    Neutral = 11,
    Arm64 = 12