CheckedBoxListControl.添加(DictionaryValue, "") -我如何

本文关键字:quot 添加 CheckedBoxListControl DictionaryValue | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:09:06


private void populateCheckListBox()
        // Create new dictionary<int, string>
        Dictionary<int, string> dictEmpInfo = new Dictionary<int, string>();
        foreach (DataTable dt in _dsEmployee.Tables)
            // Check table name
            if (dt.TableName == "EmployeeInfo")
                // Iterate through row, get employee name and ID
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    string fullName = dr[1].ToString();
                    int empID = (int)dr[0];
                    dictEmpInfo.Add(empID, fullName);
                    // Assign items to checkedboxlist
                    clbEmployees.Items.Add(dictEmpInfo, fullName);

I, cough ,这个人需要将fullName的字符串值设置为CheckedBoxList,然后还会利用这些员工的id。有谁能告诉我怎么把这些数据弄出来吗?我的朋友谢谢你。

CheckedBoxListControl.添加(DictionaryValue, "") -我如何


foreach (CheckedListBoxItem item in clbEmployees.CheckedItems)
            Dictionary<int, string> dict = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            dict = (Dictionary<int, string>)item.Value;