
本文关键字:属性 填充 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:11:16


例如,假设我的类中的一个变量是public string Name;,而在导入的文件中,其中一个列标题是Name。我宁愿不使用反射来直接匹配变量。我怎么能在我的类变量上设置一个属性,然后用它来匹配这些本地string头变量,并填写正确的一个?



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
   // This is the attribute that we will apply to the fields
   // for which we want to specify an option name.
   public class OptionNameAttribute : Attribute
      public OptionNameAttribute(string optionName)
         OptionName = optionName;
      public string OptionName { get; private set; }
   // This is the class which will contain the option values that 
   // we read from the file.
   public class OptionContainer
      public string MyNameField;
      public string MyValueField;
   class Program
      // SetOption is the method that assigns the value provided to the 
      // field of the specified instance with an OptionName attribute containing
      // the specified optionName.
      static void SetOption(object instance, string optionName, string optionValue)
         // Get all the fields that has the OptionNameAttribute defined
         IEnumerable<FieldInfo> optionFields = instance.GetType()
            .Where(field => field.IsDefined(typeof(OptionNameAttribute), true));
         // Find the single field where the OptionNameAttribute.OptionName property
         // matches the provided optionName argument.
         FieldInfo optionField = optionFields.SingleOrDefault(field =>
            field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OptionNameAttribute), true)
         // If the found field is null there is no such option.
         if (optionField == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Unknown option {0}", optionName), "optionname");
         // Finally set the value.
         optionField.SetValue(instance, optionValue);
      static void Main(string[] args)
         OptionContainer instance = new OptionContainer();
         SetOption(instance, "Name", "This is the value of Name");
         SetOption(instance, "Value", "This is my value");