
本文关键字:另一个 方法 参数 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:11:38


还是我太有想象力了,这种方法根本行不通?我已经看到了使用Zip方法计算一对x, y点的例子,但不作为参数传递。




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;

namespace LastTrial
    public class PlotHelper
        double[] X = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
        double[] Y = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };

        Chart chart;// declare chart as chart type
        Series dataSeries;// declare dataSeries as Series type

        private delegate int PlotXYDelegate(double x, double y);
        private void PlotXYAppend(Chart chart, Series dataSeries, double x, double y)
            chart.Invoke(new PlotXYDelegate(dataSeries.Points.AddXY), new Object[] { x, y });
        }// this line invokes a Delegate which pass in the addXY method defined in Points, so that it can plot a new point on a chart.

        private void PlotXYPass(double[] X, double[] Y)
            X.Zip(Y, (x, y) => this.PlotXYAppend(chart,dataSeries,x,y));
// trying to pass in x,y points by extracting pairs of points from list []X and []Y into the function above which only takes a pair of x,y points


private object PlotXYAppend (Chart chart, Series dataSeries, double x, double y)
    return chart.Invoke(new PlotXYDelegate(dataSeries.Points.AddXY), new Object[] { x, y });    
public IEnumerable<object> PlotXYPass (double[] X, double[] Y)
    return X.Zip<double, double, object>(Y, (x, y) => this.PlotXYAppend(this.chart, this.dataSeries, x, y));


var ph = new PlotHelper();
ph.chart = this.chart;
ph.dataSeries = this.chart.Series[0];
var result = ph.PlotXYPass(ph.X, ph.Y).ToList();