本文关键字:变量 存储 跟踪 摄像机 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:12:10
transform.position.y = currentHeight;
错误CS1612:无法修改' UnityEngine.Transform.position'的值类型返回值。考虑将值存储在一个临时变量
// Calculate the current rotation angles
var wantedRotationAngle = target.eulerAngles.y;
var wantedHeight = target.position.y + height;
var currentRotationAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y;
var currentHeight = transform.position.y;
// Damp the rotation around the y-axis
currentRotationAngle = Mathf.LerpAngle (currentRotationAngle, wantedRotationAngle, rotationDamping * Time.deltaTime);
// Damp the height
currentHeight = Mathf.Lerp (currentHeight, wantedHeight, heightDamping * Time.deltaTime);
// Convert the angle into a rotation
var currentRotation = Quaternion.Euler (0, currentRotationAngle, 0);
// Set the position of the camera on the x-z plane to:
// distance meters behind the target
transform.position = target.position;
transform.position -= currentRotation * Vector3.forward * distance;
// Set the height of the camera
transform.position.y = currentHeight;
// Always look at the target
transform.LookAt (target);
// Calculate the current rotation angles
var wantedRotationAngle = target.eulerAngles.y;
var wantedHeight = target.position.y + height;
var currentRotationAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y;
var currentHeight = transform.position.y;
// Damp the rotation around the y-axis
currentRotationAngle = Mathf.LerpAngle (currentRotationAngle, wantedRotationAngle, rotationDamping * Time.deltaTime);
// Damp the height
currentHeight = Mathf.Lerp (currentHeight, wantedHeight, heightDamping * Time.deltaTime);
// Convert the angle into a rotation
var currentRotation = Quaternion.Euler (0, currentRotationAngle, 0);
// Set the position of the camera on the x-z plane to:
// distance meters behind the target
transform.position = target.position;
transform.position -= currentRotation * Vector3.forward * distance;
// Set the height of the camera
Vector3 temp = transform.position; //Get the current vector the transform is at
temp.y = currentHeight; //assign the new value to the Y axis
transform.position = temp; //replace the existing vector with the new one we just modified.
// Always look at the target
transform.LookAt (target);
替换你的transform.position.y = currentHeight;
行Vector3 temp = transform.position; //Get the current vector the transform is at
temp.y = currentHeight; //assign the new value to the Y axis
transform.position = temp; //replace the existing vector with the new one we just modified.
Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3(0, currentHeight, 0);
transform.position = newPosition;