
本文关键字:被告 代码 不必要 不能 验证 输入 用户 常工作 工作 第二个 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:12:24





namespace Assignment04
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Declare variables
        int gamesPlayed = 0, userWins = 0, computerWins = 0, draws = 0, userSelection, computerSelection;
        bool inputIsValid = false;
        // Prompt user
        Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors game!");
        Console.WriteLine("1 - Rock");
        Console.WriteLine("2 - Paper");
        Console.WriteLine("3 - Scissors");
        Console.WriteLine("4 - Quit program and view record");
        // Create a loop to validate user's selection
                Console.Write("Please make a selection: ");
                // loop and test using TryParse()
                while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out userSelection))
                    // invalid data type
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.");
                    Console.Write("Please make a selection: ");
                // test if input is within acceptable range
                if (userSelection >= 1 && userSelection <= 4)
                    inputIsValid = true;
                    // valid integer, but out of acceptable range
                    Console.WriteLine("Number out of range.");
            } while (!inputIsValid);
            // Display user's choice
            while (userSelection >= 1 && userSelection <= 3)
                if (userSelection == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("'nYou have selected Rock");
                    gamesPlayed = gamesPlayed + 1;
                else if (userSelection == 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("'nYou have selected Paper");
                    gamesPlayed = gamesPlayed + 1;
                else if (userSelection == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("'nYou have selected Scissors");
                    gamesPlayed = gamesPlayed + 1;
                // Generate computer's choice
                Random randomNumber = new Random();
                computerSelection = randomNumber.Next(1, 4);
                // Display computer's choice
                if (computerSelection == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Computer has chosen Rock");
                else if (computerSelection == 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Computer has chosen Paper");
                else if (computerSelection == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("Computer has chosen Scissors");
                // Calculate and display who wins
                if (userSelection == computerSelection)
                    draws = draws + 1;
                else if (userSelection == 1 && computerSelection == 3 || userSelection == 2 && computerSelection == 1 || userSelection == 3 && computerSelection == 2)
                    userWins = userWins + 1;
                else if (userSelection == 1 && computerSelection == 2 || userSelection == 2 && computerSelection == 3 || userSelection == 3 && computerSelection == 1)
                    computerWins = computerWins + 1;
                // Display results and statistics
                Console.WriteLine("'nYou have played {0} games with {1} wins, {2} draws, and {3} losses.", gamesPlayed, userWins, draws, computerWins);
                    Console.Write("Please make a selection: ");
                    // loop and test using TryParse()
                    while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out userSelection))
                        // invalid data type
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input.");
                        Console.Write("Please make a selection: ");
                    // test if input is within acceptable range
                    if (userSelection >= 1 && userSelection <= 4)
                        inputIsValid = true;
                        // valid integer, but out of acceptable range
                        Console.WriteLine("Number out of range.");
                } while (!inputIsValid);
            if (gamesPlayed == 0 && userSelection == 4)
            else if (gamesPlayed > 0 && userSelection == 4)
                Console.WriteLine("'nGames played = " + gamesPlayed);
                Console.WriteLine("User wins = " + userWins);
                Console.WriteLine("Computer wins = " + computerWins);
                Console.WriteLine("Draws = " + draws);



if (userSelection == 1)
    Console.WriteLine("'nYou have selected Rock");
    gamesPlayed = gamesPlayed + 1;
else if (userSelection == 2)
    Console.WriteLine("'nYou have selected Paper");
    gamesPlayed = gamesPlayed + 1;
else if (userSelection == 3)
    Console.WriteLine("'nYou have selected Scissors");
    gamesPlayed = gamesPlayed + 1;


Console.WriteLine("'nYou have selected " + tools[userSelection - 1]);


string[] tools = { "Rock", "Paper", "Scissors" };