
本文关键字:参数 调用 方法 反射 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:12:32


void Method1(Action<Args1> action1, Action<Args1> action2);


private void Action1(Args1 obj)
private void Action2(Args1 obj)

使用反射,我如何调用它并传递方法Action1Action2 ?


//here you pass the methods Action1 and Action2 as parameters
//to the delegates - if you need to construct these by reflection
//then you need to reflect the methods and use the
//Delegate.CreateDelegate method.
var param1 = new Action<Args1>(Action1);
var param2 = new Action<Args1>(Action2);
//instance of Host on which to execute
var hostInstance = new Host();
var method = typeof(Host).GetMethod("Method1", 
  BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
method.Invoke(hostInstance, new object[] { param1, param2 });