Crystal Reports:将分组记录中的行数据放入列中

本文关键字:数据 记录 Reports Crystal | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:07

好的,那么我的Crystal Reports数据源的行看起来像这样:

| SiteNo | SiteName | SiteMgr | ContType   | ContName  | ContState | ContZip |
| 1262   | S. Belt  | Joe B.  | Landlord   | Mike      | CA        | 90017   |
| 1262   | S. Belt  | Joe B.  | Architect  | Paul      | TX        | 77040   |
| 1262   | S. Belt  | Joe B.  | Contractor | Chris     | AZ        | 85016   |


|    Site    |  Landlord  | Architect  | Contractor |
| 1262       | Mike       | Paul       | Chris      |
| S. Belt    | CA         | TX         | AZ         |
| Joe B.     | 90017      | 77040      | 85016      |

由于数据源的前三列(SiteNo、SiteName、SiteMgr)对于特定站点总是相同的,因此报告按SiteNo分组。这部分我已经算出来了。我把它放在组页脚。然后,我所纠结的部分是,根据联系类型(ContType: Landlord, Architect, or Contractor),信息需要放在相关的列中。


Crystal Reports:将分组记录中的行数据放入列中


select SiteNo,
       max(SiteName)     SiteName,
       max(SiteMgr)      SiteMgr,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Landlord' then ContName
               else NULL
           end)          LandlordContName,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Landlord' then ContState
               else NULL
           end)          LandlordContState,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Landlord' then ContZip
               else NULL
           end)          LandlordContZip,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Architect' then ContName
               else NULL
           end)          ArchitectContName,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Architect' then ContState
               else NULL
           end)          ArchitectContState,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Architect' then ContZip
               else NULL
           end)          ArchitectContZip,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Contractor' then ContName
               else NULL
           end)          ContractorContName,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Contractor' then ContState
               else NULL
           end)          ContractorContState,
       max(case ContType
               when 'Contractor' then ContZip
               else NULL
           end)          ContractorContZip
from Contacts
group by SiteNo


  • SiteNo、LandlordContName、ArchitectContName和ContractorContName在第一行;
  • SiteName, LandlordContState, ArchitectContState和ContractorContState在第二行;
  • SiteMgr, LandlordContZip, ArchitectContZip和ContractorContZip在第三行。



SELECT (SiteNo + CHAR(13) + SiteName + CHAR(13) + SiteMgr) AS SiteDetails ,
       (ContName + CHAR(13) + ContState + CHAR(13) + ContZip) AS LandlordDetails ,
       (SELECT ContName + CHAR(13) + 
               ContState + CHAR(13) + 
          FROM Contacts 
         WHERE SiteNo = c.SiteNo and ContType = 'Architect') AS ArchitectDetails ,
       (SELECT ContName + CHAR(13) + 
               ContState + CHAR(13) + 
          FROM Contacts 
         WHERE SiteNo = c.SiteNo and ContType = 'Contractor') AS ContractorDetails 
 FROM Contacts c
WHERE c.ContType = 'Landlord'
