
本文关键字:删除 对象 链表 何写一 方法 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:16

我没有成功地从链表中删除特定的项目,方法是- public void removeFromList(string itemtoremove, LinkedList list)


public class Node
    public Node next; //saves the adress
    public Person data; //saves the person
public class LinkedList  
    private Node head; //starts from the begging
    public void AddFirst(Person data)  
        Node toAdd = new Node();
        toAdd.data = data; // in data he saves the object
        toAdd.next = head;
        head = toAdd;
    public void removeFromList(string itemtoremove, LinkedList List) // 
        Node current = head;
        Node current1 = current.next;
        while (current1 != null)
            if (current1.data.instrument == itemtoremove)



public void removeFromList(string itemtoremove)
    Node previousNode = null;
    Node current = head;
    while (current != null) //starting with current1 would ignore the head node
        // we found a match
        if (current.data.instrument == itemtoremove){
            // head node is treated slightly differently
            if(current == head){
                // set the next node to the new head
                head = current.next;
                // set to null so GC can clean it up
                current = null;
            else {
                //update the previous node's link
                previousNode.next = current.next;
                current = null;
        // move on to the next
        previousNode = current;
        current = current.next;