本文关键字:对象 实例 设置 连接 对象引用 Linq | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:20
var a = (from e1 in _db.Features.ToList()
where e1.int_ParentId==0 && e1.bit_IsModule == true & e1.bit_ShowInMenu == true && e1.bit_Activate == true
join e2 in _db.OrganizationModules on e1.int_FeatureId equals e2.int_FeatureId into fg
from fgi in fg.DefaultIfEmpty()
where fgi.bit_OrganizationModuleActiveDeactive != false && fgi.int_OrganizationId == SepiaCMS.Models.Security.Authorization.OrganizationID // object reference not set to instance of an object
orderby e1.int_FeaturesSortID ascending, e1.int_FeatureId descending
select new FeatureViewModel
featureid = e1.int_FeatureId,
featurename = e1.vcr_FeaturesName,
classes = path == e1.vcr_LinkName ? "<li class=active>" + Html.ActionLink(e1.vcr_FeaturesName, e1.vcr_LinkName.Substring(e1.vcr_LinkName.IndexOf('/') + 1), e1.vcr_LinkName.Substring(0, e1.vcr_LinkName.IndexOf('/')), new { area = string.IsNullOrEmpty(e1.vcr_Area) == true ? "" : e1.vcr_Area }, new { @class = e1.vcr_CssClass }) + "</li>" : "<li>" + Html.ActionLink(e1.vcr_FeaturesName, e1.vcr_LinkName.Substring(e1.vcr_LinkName.IndexOf('/') + 1), e1.vcr_LinkName.Substring(0, e1.vcr_LinkName.IndexOf('/')), new { area = string.IsNullOrEmpty(e1.vcr_Area) == true ? "" : e1.vcr_Area }, new { @class = e1.vcr_CssClass }) + "</li>"
where fgi == null || (....)