本文关键字:为什么 使用 情况 null 分配 字符串 一个 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:29
public static string path1;
private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtbx_LRU.Text = Form1.gelenveri2;
txtbx_kisiler.Text = Form1.gelenveri;
txtbx_parcano.Text = Form1.gelenveri3;
txtbx_mod.Text = Form1.gelenveri_mod;
string path1 = @"C:'svn'DSBCA_PROGRAM'" + txtbx_bolum.Text
+ "''" + txtbx_mod.Text + "''" + txtbx_LRU.Text
+ "''" + txtbx_parcano.Text;
// All the files/folders in the path1 will be
// transferred into the array filePaths.
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(path1);
// Then we will get the number of how many items
// are in the string array
int boyut_dosya = filePaths.Length;
// this loop will go through the array
for (int i = 0; i < boyut_dosya; i++)
// the slashes in the path will be ignored here
string[] words = filePaths[i].Split('''');
// How many folders(words) were opened
int k = words.Length;
// this will get the last file from the path(our desired file)
lstbx_sonuclar.Items.Add(words[k - 1]);
// just so we dont over load we set the array words to zero.
words = null;
//and k to zero too
k = 0;
private void lstbx_sonuclar_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//list box where the results will be displayed
string a = path1 + "''" + lstbx_sonuclar.SelectedItem.ToString();