如何检查BusinessObjects SDK中是否存在EnterpriseSession令牌?

本文关键字:是否 存在 EnterpriseSession 令牌 SDK BusinessObjects 何检查 检查 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:38

我正在通过BO SDK (. net)实现BusinessObjects的web GUI,并且需要一种在多个用户之间持久化和共享身份验证令牌的方法。一个特定的业务需求是只有一个登录(在本例中是ActiveDirectory的服务帐户)。我最初登录,然后通过第一次登录生成的默认令牌执行后续登录没有问题。问题是,当第二次尝试使用令牌登录时,令牌会被覆盖。

我需要一种方法来检查令牌是否有效,而不需要完成覆盖原始令牌值的完整登录。我的计划是将令牌保存在缓存中,并在每个报告请求发出时通过WCF提供,只有在令牌值不再有效时才重新生成它。每个报告的最终请求是通过在OpenDocument url中包含令牌作为查询字符串参数来完成的,以提供身份验证。

我可以完成一个完整的登录通过令牌与以下代码://原始登录SessionMgr ses = new SessionMgr();enterprisesessiones = ses。登录(用户、通行证、服务器、类型);

//Get the token
LogonTokenMgr myToken = es.LogonTokenMgr;
string BOToken = myToken.DefaultToken;
//Login with the generated token
EnterpriseSession esToken = ses.LogonWithToken(BOToken);


有没有人知道在BO SDK库中有一种方法可以检查令牌的有效性而不覆盖它?我可以访问堆栈附带的所有dll…




public static class BusinessObjectsAuth

    public static string GetBOToken (string currentToken = null)
        if (!ValidateToken(currentToken))
            //This is aprt a custom encryption piece - needed unless you are         comfortable storing pw in plain text in config file
            Crypt decrypter = new Crypt();
            //Generate a new token
            SessionMgr ses = new SessionMgr();
            EnterpriseSession es = ses.Logon(AppSettings.BusinessObjectsUser, decrypter.DecryptString(AppSettings.BusinessObjectsPass), AppSettings.BusinessObjectsUrl, "secWinAD");
            LogonTokenMgr myToken = es.LogonTokenMgr;
            //The token generated below is good on any client for an unlimited number of logins for 24 hours
            //This may or may not be a good idea based on the security of your network
             return myToken.CreateLogonTokenEx("", 1440, -1);
            //If the token is still valild return it
            return currentToken;
    public static bool ValidateToken(string currentToken = null)
        SessionMgr ses = new SessionMgr();
            //Check to see if the token can be used for logon - close the session afterwards
            EnterpriseSession es = ses.LogonWithToken(currentToken);
            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            //This is a workaround for the fact that the BO SDK does not include a built in method for verifying
            //that a token is valid - we can only assume it's a bad token if the logon attempt in the try block fails
            string message = ex.Message;
            return false;

如何检查BusinessObjects SDK中是否存在EnterpriseSession令牌?

