本文关键字:文本 文件 不一致 字段 处理 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:39
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(flName))
//Process first line to get field names
flHeader = sr.ReadLine().Split(charDelimiters);
//Check first field to determine header or detail file
if (flHeader[0].ToUpper() == "ORDERID")
header = true;
} else if (flHeader[0].ToUpper() == "ORDERITEMID"){
detail = true;
//Use TextFieldParser to read and parse files
using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser(flName))
parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;
while (!parser.EndOfData)
string[] fields = parser.ReadFields();
//Send read line to header or detail processor
if (header == true)
if (flHeader[0] != fields[0])
if (detail == true)
if (flHeader[0] != fields[0])
//Declare header class
Data.BLL.OrderExportHeader_BLL OrderHeaderBLL = new Data.BLL.OrderExportHeader_BLL();
foreach (string field in fields)
int fldCnt = fields.Count();
//Loop through each field then use the switch to determine which field is to be filled in
for (int flds = 0; flds < fldCnt; flds++ )
string strField = field.Trim();
switch (flHeader[flds].ToUpper())
case "ORDERID":
OrderHeaderBLL.OrderID = strField;
//头文件OrderID ManufacturerID CustomerID SalesRepID PONumber OrderDate CustomerName CustomerNumber RepNumber Discount Terms ShipVia Notes ShipToCompanyName ShipToContactName ShipToContactPhone ShipToFax ShipToContactEmail ShipToAddress1 ShipToAddress2 ShipToCity ShipToState ShipToZip ShipToCountry ShipDate BillingAddress1 BillingAddress2 BillingCity BillingState BillingZip BillingCountry FreightTerm PriceLevel OrderType OrderStatus IsPlaced ContactName ContactPhone ContactEmail ContactFax Exported ExportDate Source ContainerName ContainerCubes Origin MarketName FOB SubTotal OrderTotal TaxRate TaxTotal ShippingTotal IsDeleted IsContainer OrderGUID CancelDate DoNotShipBefore WrittenByName WrittenForName WrittenForRepNumber CatalogCode CatalogName ShipToCode
491975 18 0 2621 1234 7/17/2014 RepZio 2499174 0 Test 561-351-7416 max@repzio.com 465 Ocean Ridge Way Juno Beach FL 33408 7/18/2014 465 Ocean Ridge Way Juno Beach FL 33408 USA 0 ShopZio True Max Fraser 561-351-7416 max@repzio.com False ShopZio 0.00 ShopZio 1500.0000 1500.0000 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 False False 63960a7b-86b7-47a2-ad11-9763a6b52fd0 7/31/2014 7/18/2014
为简单起见,我将假设您的100个字段名称为'fld0', 'fld1',…,"fld99"
现在,假设接收到的文件包含这个头文件fld10, fld50, fld0, fld20, fld80, fld70, fld0, fld90, fld50, fld60
的数据Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot高尔夫酒店印度朱丽叶
您解析报头并发现100个字段的主列表中的索引是10,50,0等。所以你用这些索引值建立一个lookupFld数组,比如lookupFld[0] = 10, lookupFld[1] = 50,等等
MasterList[0] = "fld0", MasterList[1] = "fld1",…, MasterList[99] = "fld99"
for (ii=0; ii<lookupFld.count; ++ii)
// MasterField[lookupFld[ii]] is represented by with split[ii]
// when ii = 0
// lookupFld[0] is 10
// so MasterField[10] /* fld10 */ is represented by split[0] /* alpha */