
本文关键字:错误 方法 应用 表单 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:14:42


    private decimal Calculate(decimal operand1, decimal operand2, string operator1)
        decimal operandOne;
        decimal operandTwo;
        string operatorOne = "";
        const string divide = "/";
        const string multiply = "*";
        const string addition = "+";
        decimal calcResult = 0m;
            if (IsValidData())
                // try to get the user input from the form
                operandOne = Convert.ToDecimal(txtOperandOne.Text);
                operandTwo = Convert.ToDecimal(txtOperandTwo.Text);
                operatorOne = Convert.ToString(txtOperator.Text);
                if (operatorOne == divide)
                    calcResult = operandOne / operandTwo;
                else if (operatorOne == multiply)
                    calcResult = operandOne * operandTwo;
                else if (operatorOne == addition)
                    calcResult = operandOne + operandTwo;
                    calcResult = operandOne - operandTwo;
                return (Math.Round(calcResult, 4));
        catch (FormatException myFormatEx)
            MessageBox.Show(myFormatEx.Message + "'nInvalid numeric format. Please check all entries.", "Entry Error");
        catch (OverflowException myOverflowEx)
            MessageBox.Show(myOverflowEx.Message + "'nOverflow error. Please enter smaller values.", "Entry Error");
        catch (Exception myEx)
            MessageBox.Show(myEx.Message + "'n'n" + myEx.GetType().ToString() + "'n" + myEx.StackTrace, "Exception");

    private void btnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        decimal calcResult;
        decimal operandOne = 0m;
        decimal operandTwo = 0m;
        string operatorOne = "";
        calcResult = Calculate(operandOne, operandTwo, operatorOne);
        lblResult.Text = calcResult.ToString("d"); // in decimal format

    private bool IsValidData()
        // This method checks all the textboxes on the form for valid entries

            // Validate the OperandOne text box
            IsPresent(txtOperandOne, "First Operator") &&
            IsDecimal(txtOperandOne, "First Operator") &&

            // Validate the OperandTwo text box
            IsPresent(txtOperandTwo, "Second Operator") &&
            IsDecimal(txtOperandTwo, "Second Operator") &&

            // Validate the Operator text box
            IsPresent(txtOperator, "Operator /,*,+ or -") &&
            IsOperator(txtOperator, "Operator /,*,+ or -");
    public bool IsOperator(TextBox textBox, string name)
        // this method makes sure a textbox is a valid operator
        string validOperators = "";
        bool valid = true;
            validOperators = Convert.ToString(textBox.Text); // try to convert

            if (validOperators != "/" | validOperators != "*" | validOperators != "+" | validOperators != "-") // not valid entry
                MessageBox.Show(name + " must be a valid operator +,-,/,* Entry Error");
                valid = false;
        catch (FormatException myFormatEx)
            textBox.SelectAll(); // Select the user's entry
            throw myFormatEx; // throw to the calling method to handle
        catch (OverflowException myOverflowEx)
            throw myOverflowEx; // throw to the calling method to handle
        catch (Exception myEx)
            throw myEx; // throw to the calling method to handle
        return valid;
    public bool IsPresent(TextBox textBox, string name)
        // this method checks any textbox for a required entry
        bool valid = true; // assuming valid 
        if (textBox.Text == "") // check to see if there is an entry
            MessageBox.Show(name + " is a required field.", "Entry Error");
            textBox.Focus(); // set the focus
            valid = false;
        return valid;
    public bool IsDecimal(TextBox textBox, string name)
        // this method checks any textbox for a valid decimal entry
        bool valid = true; // assuming valid 
        catch (FormatException)
            MessageBox.Show(name + " must be a decimal value.", "Entry Error");
            textBox.SelectAll(); // Select the user's entry
            valid = false;
        catch (OverflowException myOverflowEx)
            throw myOverflowEx; // throw to the calling method to handle
        catch (Exception myEx)
            throw myEx; // throw to the calling method to handle
        return valid;
    private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //End program



如果IsValidData()返回false, Calculate不返回任何内容。它必须返回所有代码路径的值。

If (!IsValidData()),如果有异常,将返回什么


return 0M;