
本文关键字:线程 方法 创建 对象 调用 工作 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:15:21



1( 我扩展了Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.OvalShape,为其添加了更多功能,使其满足我的需求,下面是我扩展到类的内容:

public class MyShape: Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.OvalShape
    int imageNumber;
    public MyShape()
        imageNumber = 0;
        this.BackgroundImage = global::_4InARow.Properties.Resources.grey;
    public int getImageNumber()
        return imageNumber;
    public bool setImage(int imgNo)
        imageNumber = imgNo;
        if (imgNo == 0) { this.BackgroundImage = global::_4InARow.Properties.Resources.grey; return true; }
        else if (imgNo == 1) { this.BackgroundImage = global::_4InARow.Properties.Resources.blue; return true; }
        else if (imgNo == 2) { this.BackgroundImage = global::_4InARow.Properties.Resources.red; return true; }
        else { return false; }

2( 在设计器类中,我在class MyShape中创建了几个对象,然后使用main threadUI thread.(highlight ShapeContainer) 将它们添加到ShapeContainer中

3( 在名为(FourInARow_Server)的主类中,我使用arrayLoad()方法添加在锯齿状数组中创建的所有对象。(类别如下(

当我使用工作线程(而不是创建对象的线程(异步访问方法changeColor(int x, int y, int color)时,会发生异常。然而,如果我说,我可以访问对象

 if(circles[1][1].getImageNumber() == 0)  
  {//do something};  




public partial class FourInARow_Server : Form   
    private MyShape[][] circles = new MyShape[7][];  
    private Socket newConnection;  
    private Thread newThread;  
    private int player;  
    private bool flag_MyTurn;  
    private bool flag_ConnectionAlive;  
    private bool flag_MoveAllowed;  
    private bool flag_EventBlocker; 
    public FourInARow_Server()
        player = 1;
        flag_MyTurn = true;
        flag_ConnectionAlive = false;
        flag_MoveAllowed = false;//variable needed to prevent user from loosing its turn if it clicks on a colomn that hasn,t got any more  available moves.
        flag_EventBlocker = true;
        this.labelSystemMessage.Text = "To begin play, please press '"Launch Server'" 'n and wait for opponent to connect ";
    private void arrayLoad()//Load all ovall shapes into an array
        MyShape[] colOne = { x1y1, x1y2, x1y3, x1y4, x1y5, x1y6};
        MyShape[] colTwo = { x2y1, x2y2, x2y3, x2y4, x2y5, x2y6};
        MyShape[] colThree = { x3y1, x3y2, x3y3, x3y4, x3y5, x3y6};
        MyShape[] colFour = { x4y1, x4y2, x4y3, x4y4, x4y5, x4y6 };
        MyShape[] colFive = { x5y1, x5y2, x5y3, x5y4, x5y5, x5y6 };
        MyShape[] colSix = { x6y1, x6y2, x6y3, x6y4, x6y5, x6y6};
        MyShape[] colSeven = {x7y1, x7y2, x7y3, x7y4, x7y5, x7y6 };
        circles[0] = colOne; circles[1] = colTwo; circles[2] = colThree; circles[3] = colFour; circles[4] = colFive; circles[5] = colSix; circles[6] = colSeven;
    private void changeColor(int x, int y, int color)
        if (color == 0) { circles[x][y].setImage(0); }
        else if (color == 1) { circles[x][y].setImage(1); }
        else if (color == 2) { circles[x][y].setImage(2); }



this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate {
    changeColor(x, y, color);