
本文关键字:循环 动态 计时器 拥有 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:16:16


Id  Name        URL                     Time    Active
1   All good    http://httpstat.us/200  5000    1
2   404         http://httpstat.us/404  2000    1


public void SetupTimers()
    DB db = new DB();
    DataTable dtLinks = new DataTable();
    dtLinks = db.GetDataTable(String.Format("SELECT Id, Name, URL, Time, Active FROM Shed WHERE Active = 1"));
    foreach (DataRow row in dtLinks.Rows)
        Thread thread = new Thread(() => SetupShed(1, "WILLBURL", "WILLBENAME"));

static void SetupShed(Int32 Time, String URL, String Name)
   /* Heres where I will do the actual ping 
      but I need to setup a timer to loop every x seconds? 
      It's a contiunous check so it'll have to keep looping over. 
      I've redacted the actual ping for this example



public void SetupTimers()
    DB db = new DB();
    DataTable dtLinks = new DataTable();
    dtLinks = db.GetDataTable(String.Format("SELECT Id, Name, URL, Time, Active FROM Shed WHERE Active = 1"));
    foreach (DataRow row in dtLinks.Rows)
        SetupShed(1, "WILLBURL", "WILLBENAME");

static void SetupShed(double ms, String url, String name)
        System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(ms);
        timer.AutoReset = true;
        timer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => Ping(url, name);
static void Ping(String url, String name)
    //do you pinging



static void SetupShed(Int32 Time, String URL, String Name)
   /* Heres where I will do the actual ping 
      but I need to setup a timer to loop every x seconds? 
      It's a contiunous check so it'll have to keep looping over. 
      I've redacted the actual ping for this example
    while (true)
        //.....Do my stuff and then loop again.