WPF MVVM DataTemplates -视图未更新

本文关键字:更新 视图 MVVM DataTemplates WPF | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:17:00



    <!-- This template represents a single content pane, no real display here, just empty space with a height and width -->
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type entities:ContentPane}">
            Content="{Binding CurrentPlaylistItem, Mode=OneWay}" 
            Height="{Binding Height, Mode=OneTime}" 
            Width="{Binding Width, Mode=OneTime}" 
    <!-- This is a playlist item which is contained within a ContentPane.
         This also has no real display, just a placeholder for the content item, and will likely contain some transition information-->
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type entities:PlaylistItem}">
        <inf:TransitionableContentControl Content="{Binding ContentItem}"></inf:TransitionableContentControl>

    <!-- image item template 
         the path can be any valid uri e.g. http://... or file://... -->
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type contentTypes:ImageContentType}">
        <Grid Background="Transparent" x:Name="ImageType">
            <Image Source="{Binding Bitmap, Mode=OneTime}"></Image>
                        ContainerHeight="{Binding ImageHeight, Mode=OneTime}"
                        ContainerWidth="{Binding ImageWidth, Mode=OneTime}"                            
                        Visibility="{Binding AdText, Converter={StaticResource _VisibilityConverter}, Mode=OneWay}"
                        Text="{Binding AdText.Text, Mode=OneTime}"
                        AdFontSize="{Binding AdText.TextStyle.FontSize}"
                        AdFontFamily="{Binding AdText.TextStyle.FontFamily}">
                    Content="{Binding AdText, Mode=OneTime}"                         
                    ContentTemplate="{StaticResource BusinessAdTextTemplate}">




WPF MVVM DataTemplates -视图未更新


// CurrentPlaylistItem = pli ; -- not good
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke (new Action (() =>
    // clear item
    // null doesn't work, because TransitionableContentControl's
    // inner ContentControl would be empty and the brush created 
    // from it would be a null brush (no visual effect)
    CurrentPlaylistItem = new PlaylistItem () ;
    this.OnPropertyChanged ("CurrentPlaylistItem") ;
    Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke (new Action (() =>
        // set new item, possibly same as old item
        // but WPF will have forgotten that because
        // data bindings caused by the assignment above
        // have already been queued at the same DataBind 
        // level and will execute before this assignment
        CurrentPlaylistItem = pli ; 
        this.OnPropertyChanged ("CurrentPlaylistItem") ;
    }), DispatcherPriority.DataBind) ;
})) ;
