FlipView数据模板在WinRT / XAML中的特性

本文关键字:XAML WinRT 数据 FlipView | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:52:45



    private async Task PopulateThumbnails()
        var thumbnailWrapGrid = RecurseChildren<WrapPanel>(flipView).ElementAt(flipView.SelectedIndex);
        if (thumbnailWrapGrid == null) return;
        thumbnailWrapGrid.Width = Window.Current.Bounds.Width - (420 + Window.Current.Bounds.Height); // 420 is experiencepanel + backmargin. images are square scaled to height
        var thisItem = (this.flipView.SelectedItem as PGItemViewModel);
        foreach (var img in thisItem.ItemPhoto)
            await AddChildren(img, thumbnailWrapGrid);
    private async Task AddChildren(KeyValuePair<string, ItemPhoto> img, WrapPanel panel)
        var imgbitmap = new Image() { Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(img.Value.LocalOrRemoteLocation)) };
        imgbitmap.Tapped += imgbitmap_Tapped;
    void imgbitmap_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
        var zoomImage = RecurseChildren<Image>(flipView).ElementAt(flipView.SelectedIndex);
        zoomImage.Source = (sender as Image).Source;
   public static IEnumerable<T> RecurseChildren<T>(DependencyObject root) where T : UIElement
        if (root is T)
            yield return root as T;
        if (root != null)
            var count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(root);

            for (var idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                foreach (var child in RecurseChildren<T>(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(root, idx)))
                    yield return child;


<StackPanel x:Name="ImageHost" Margin="0" Orientation="Horizontal" Loaded="PopulateThumbnails" GotFocus="InFocus">
<Image x:Name="image" Source="{Binding BigPhoto}" Margin="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>
<ScrollViewer Margin="0,135,0,0">
<Controls:WrapPanel x:Name="thumbnailWrap" Margin="0">

FlipView数据模板在WinRT / XAML中的特性


FlipView.ItemsPanel="{StaticResource ItemsPanelStyleTemplate}"

    <ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="ItemsPanelStyleTemplate">
        <StackPanel AreScrollSnapPointsRegular="True" Orientation="Horizontal" />


class MikesFlipView : FlipView
protected override void PrepareContainerForItemOverride
    (Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject element, object item)
  base.PrepareContainerForItemOverride(element, item);
  UserControl userControl = GetFirstChildOfType<UserControl>(element);
  if (userControl != null)
    userControl.DataContext = item;
    var panel = GetFirstChildOfType<WrapPanel>(userControl);
    foreach (var img in ((ItemViewModel)item).Photo)
      AddChildren(img, panel);
// this method is used to add children to the controls inside FlipView
private void AddChildren(KeyValuePair<string, ItemPhoto> img, WrapPanel panel)
private static T GetFirstChildOfType<T>(DependencyObject dobj)
 where T : DependencyObject
  T retVal = null;
  int numKids = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(dobj);
  for (int i = 0; i < numKids; ++i)
    DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(dobj, i);
    if (child is T)
      retVal = (T)child;
      retVal = GetFirstChildOfType<T>(child);
    if (retVal != null)
  return retVal;