
本文关键字:NullReferenceException 在这里 为什么 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:19:25


partial class StarSystem : AstroThreeNode
    public static StarSystem SunSolarSystem()
        return new StarSystem("Solar System", Planet.SunCenter(), Resources.Space, SolarSystem.ActiveForm.Bounds).AddPlanet(Planet.MercuryPlanet(), Planet.VenusPlanet(), Planet.EarthPlanet(), Planet.MarsPlanet(), Planet.JupiterPlanet(), Planet.SaturnPlanet(), Planet.UranusPlanet(), Planet.NeptunePlanet());
    public StarSystem AddPlanet(params Planet[] planetsToAdd)
        foreach (Planet planet in planetsToAdd)
            distanceFromSun += (planets.Count > 0 ? planets[planets.Count - 1].Image.Width / 2 : 0) + planet.Image.Width / 2 + DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PLANETS;
            planet.DistanceFromSun = distanceFromSun;
            planet.RotationCenter = new PointF(bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Height / 2);
        return this;

partial class Planet : AstroThreeNode
    private const float SUN_SPEED = 0;
    public static Planet SunCenter() 
        return new Planet("Слънце", Resources.Sun_, SUN_SPEED, CLOCKWISE);
    public static Planet MercuryPlanet()
        return new Planet("Меркурий", Resources.Mercury_, 4.0923f, Planet.CLOCKWISE);
    public static Planet VenusPlanet()
        return new Planet("Венера", Resources.Venus_, 1.6021f, Planet.COUNTERCLOCKWISE);
    public static Planet EarthPlanet()
        return new Planet("Земя", Resources.Earth_, 0.9856f, Planet.CLOCKWISE);
    public static Planet MarsPlanet()
        return new Planet("Марс", Resources.Mars_, 0.5240f, Planet.CLOCKWISE);
    public static Planet JupiterPlanet()
        return new Planet("Юпитер", Resources.Jupiter_, 0.0830f, Planet.CLOCKWISE);
    public static Planet SaturnPlanet()
        return new Planet("Сатурн", Resources.Saturn_, 0.0334f, Planet.CLOCKWISE);
    public static Planet UranusPlanet()
        return new Planet("Уран", Resources.Uranus_, 0.0117f, Planet.COUNTERCLOCKWISE);
    public static Planet NeptunePlanet() 
        return new Planet("Нептун", Resources.Neptune_, 0.0059f, Planet.CLOCKWISE);
    public Planet(string name, Image image, float distanceFromSun, float degreesAddedEachTick, bool clockwise, PointF rotationCenter, float angleInDegrees = 0)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Image = image; // here I set the Image but I get an exception later
        this.DistanceFromSun = distanceFromSun;
        this.degreesAddedEachTick = degreesAddedEachTick;
        this.isClockwiseRotation = clockwise;
        this.RotationCenter = rotationCenter;
        this.angleInDegrees = angleInDegrees;

我在这里得到了异常:distanceFromSun += (planets.Count > 0 ? planets[planets.Count - 1].Image.Width / 2 : 0) + planet.Image.Width / 2 + DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PLANETS;对于planet.Image。我不明白为什么当我创建Planet时设置图像时会出现异常。


    public StarSystem(string name, Planet starSystemCenter, Image background, Rectangle bounds)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Background = background;
        this.bounds = bounds;
        planets = new List<Planet>(); //planets instanieted here
        planets.Add(starSystemCenter); // note I dont get the exception on this call but on the other call where I add all other planest



看起来你从来没有实例化你的'Planets'对象(可能是List<Planet> ?)



public class StarSystem
    public List<Planet> planets {get; set;}
    //Other code here
    public StarSystem()
        planets = new List<Planet>();


Post Question编辑:好吧,那么唯一剩下的似乎就是一个或多个行星的.Image了。在调试时,您应该能够监视变量—我会在它求值表达式之前设置一个断点,并查看它添加的最后一个对象,以及它将尝试添加的下一个对象,并查找null .Image



public Planet(string name, Image image, float distanceFromSun, float degreesAddedEachTick, bool clockwise, PointF rotationCenter, float angleInDegrees = 0)

然而,你从来没有检查以确保image != null && image.Width != null(如果宽度是一个本地int,你不需要,但如果它是一个Number,你确实需要检查。