
本文关键字:线程 创建 共享资源 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:19:54





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace MyNamespace
    class Class1
        static void Main()
            Debug.WriteLine("starting application...");
            int threadcount = 2;
            List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
            List<Class2> myObjs = new List<Class2>();
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 1"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 2"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 3"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 4"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 5"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 6"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 7"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 8"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 9"));
            Debug.WriteLine("about to create " + threadcount + " task(s)...");
            int t = 0;
                Debug.WriteLine("creating task " + t);
                Class3 starter = new Class3();
            } while (t < threadcount);
            Debug.WriteLine("all tasks have completed");
    class Class2
        private string m_status;
        public string status
            get { return m_status; }
            set { m_status = value; }
        private string m_text;
        public string text
            get { return m_text; }
            set { m_text = value; }
        private int m_threadid;
        public int threadid
            get { return m_threadid; }
            set { m_threadid = value; }
        public Class2()
            m_status = "created";
            m_text = "";
            m_threadid = 0;
        public Class2(string intext)
            m_status = "created";
            m_text = intext;
            m_threadid = 0;
    class Class3
        public Task StartNewThread(List<Class2> taskObjs)
            Task<List<Class2>> task = Task.Factory
                .StartNew(() => threadTaskWorker(taskObjs),
                .ContinueWith(completed_task => threadTaskComplete(completed_task.Result));
            return task;
        private List<Class2> threadTaskWorker(List<Class2> taskObjs)
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "thread" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            Debug.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " created.");
            //Process all items in the list that need processing
            Class2 nextObj;
                //Look for next item in list that needs processing
                nextObj = null;
                foreach (Class2 taskObj in taskObjs)
                    if (taskObj.status == "created")
                        nextObj = taskObj;
                if (nextObj != null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId +
                        " is handling " + nextObj.text);
                    nextObj.status = "processing";
                    nextObj.threadid = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                    nextObj.text += "(handled)";
                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(300, 3000));
                    nextObj.status = "completed";
            } while (nextObj != null);
            Debug.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " destroyed.");
            //Return the task object
            return taskObjs;
        private List<Class2> threadTaskComplete(List<Class2> taskObjs)
            Debug.WriteLine("a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...");
            foreach (Class2 taskObj in taskObjs)
                Debug.WriteLine(taskObj.text +
                    " thread:" + taskObj.threadid +
                    " status:" + taskObj.status);
            //Return the task object
            return taskObjs;


starting application...
about to create 2 task(s)...
creating task 1
creating task 2
thread #10 created.
thread #11 created.
thread #10 is handling list item 1
thread #11 is handling list item 1
thread #10 is handling list item 2
thread #11 is handling list item 2
thread #10 is handling list item 3
thread #11 is handling list item 4
thread #10 is handling list item 5
thread #11 is handling list item 5
thread #10 is handling list item 6
thread #11 is handling list item 6
thread #10 is handling list item 7
thread #11 is handling list item 8
thread #10 is handling list item 9
thread #11 destroyed.
a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...
list item 1(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 2(handled)(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 3(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 4(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 5(handled)(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 6(handled)(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 7(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 8(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 9(handled) thread:10 status:processing
thread #10 destroyed.
a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...
list item 1(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 2(handled)(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 3(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 4(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 5(handled)(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 6(handled)(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 7(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 8(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 9(handled) thread:10 status:completed
all tasks have completed


starting application...
about to create 2 task(s)...
creating task 1
creating task 2
thread #10 created.
thread #11 created.
thread #10 is handling list item 1
thread #11 is handling list item 2
thread #10 is handling list item 3
thread #11 is handling list item 4
thread #10 is handling list item 5
thread #10 is handling list item 6
thread #11 is handling list item 7
thread #10 is handling list item 8
thread #11 is handling list item 9
thread #10 destroyed.
a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...
list item 1(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 2(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 3(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 4(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 5(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 6(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 7(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 8(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 9(handled) thread:11 status:processing
thread #11 destroyed.
a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...
list item 1(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 2(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 3(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 4(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 5(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 6(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 7(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 8(handled) thread:10 status:completed
list item 9(handled) thread:11 status:completed
all tasks have completed






/// any resource shared between threads
private List<int> sharedResource = new List<int>();
/// best practice is to use a private object to synchronise threads
/// see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c5kehkcz.aspx
private object resourceLock = new object();
void MethodAccessingSharedResource()
    /// Only one thread can acquire the lock on resourceLock at a time.
    lock (resourceLock)
        /// The thread can safely access the shared resource here.
        /// Other threads will wait at lock(resourceLock) until 
        /// this thread gives up the lock.
    /// The thread has released the lock on resourceLock.
    /// Another thread can now enter the lock(){} code block.



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace MyNamespace
    class Class1
        static void Main()
            Debug.WriteLine("starting application...");
            int threadcount = 4;
            List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
            List<Class2> myObjs = new List<Class2>();
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 1"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 2"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 3"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 4"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 5"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 6"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 7"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 8"));
            myObjs.Add(new Class2("list item 9"));
            Debug.WriteLine("about to create " + threadcount + " task(s)...");
            int t = 0;
                Debug.WriteLine("creating task " + t);
                Class3 starter = new Class3();
            } while (t < threadcount);
            Debug.WriteLine("all tasks have completed");
    class Class2
        private object m_locker = new object();
        public object locker
            get { return m_locker; }
            set { m_locker = value; }
        private string m_status;
        public string status
            get { return m_status; }
            set { m_status = value; }
        private string m_text;
        public string text
            get { return m_text; }
            set { m_text = value; }
        private int m_threadid;
        public int threadid
            get { return m_threadid; }
            set { m_threadid = value; }
        public Class2()
            m_status = "created";
            m_text = "";
            m_threadid = 0;
        public Class2(string intext)
            m_status = "created";
            m_text = intext;
            m_threadid = 0;
    class Class3
        public Task StartNewThread(List<Class2> taskObjs)
            Task<List<Class2>> task = Task.Factory
                .StartNew(() => threadTaskWorker(taskObjs),
                .ContinueWith(completed_task => threadTaskComplete(completed_task.Result));
            return task;
        private List<Class2> threadTaskWorker(List<Class2> taskObjs)
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "thread" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            Debug.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " created.");
            //Process all items in the list that need processing
            Class2 nextObj;
                //Look for next item in list that needs processing
                nextObj = null;
                foreach (Class2 taskObj in taskObjs)
                    nextObj = taskObj;
                    lock (nextObj.locker)
                        if (taskObj.status == "created")
                            nextObj.status = "processing";
                        else nextObj = null;
                if (nextObj != null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId +
                        " is handling " + nextObj.text);
                    nextObj.threadid = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
                    nextObj.text += "(handled)";
                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(300, 3000));
                    nextObj.status = "completed";
            } while (nextObj != null);
            Debug.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " destroyed.");
            //Return the task object
            return taskObjs;
        private List<Class2> threadTaskComplete(List<Class2> taskObjs)
            Debug.WriteLine("a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...");
            foreach (Class2 taskObj in taskObjs)
                Debug.WriteLine(taskObj.text +
                    " thread:" + taskObj.threadid +
                    " status:" + taskObj.status);
            //Return the task object
            return taskObjs;


starting application...
about to create 4 task(s)...
creating task 1
creating task 2
creating task 3
creating task 4
thread #11 created.
thread #13 created.
thread #12 created.
thread #12 is handling list item 3
thread #11 is handling list item 1
thread #13 is handling list item 2
thread #14 created.
thread #14 is handling list item 4
thread #12 is handling list item 5
thread #11 is handling list item 6
thread #13 is handling list item 7
thread #14 is handling list item 8
thread #12 is handling list item 9
thread #11 destroyed.
a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...
list item 1(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 2(handled) thread:13 status:completed
list item 3(handled) thread:12 status:completed
list item 4(handled) thread:14 status:completed
list item 5(handled) thread:12 status:completed
list item 6(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 7(handled) thread:13 status:processing
list item 8(handled) thread:14 status:processing
list item 9(handled) thread:12 status:processing
thread #13 destroyed.
thread #14 destroyed.
a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...
list item 1(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 2(handled) thread:13 status:completed
list item 3(handled) thread:12 status:completed
a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...
list item 1(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 4(handled) thread:14 status:completed
list item 5(handled) thread:12 status:completed
list item 2(handled) thread:13 status:completed
list item 3(handled) thread:12 status:completed
list item 6(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 7(handled) thread:13 status:completed
list item 4(handled) thread:14 status:completed
list item 5(handled) thread:12 status:completed
list item 8(handled) thread:14 status:completed
list item 9(handled) thread:12 status:processing
list item 6(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 7(handled) thread:13 status:completed
list item 8(handled) thread:14 status:completed
list item 9(handled) thread:12 status:processing
thread #12 destroyed.
a thread has finished, here are the current item's status...
list item 1(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 2(handled) thread:13 status:completed
list item 3(handled) thread:12 status:completed
list item 4(handled) thread:14 status:completed
list item 5(handled) thread:12 status:completed
list item 6(handled) thread:11 status:completed
list item 7(handled) thread:13 status:completed
list item 8(handled) thread:14 status:completed
list item 9(handled) thread:12 status:completed
all tasks have completed



var cq = new ConcurrentQueue<T>();
//populate queue
//process queue until empty -- this can be done in parallel
T item;
while(cq.trydequeue(out item)){
    //process item
//queue was empty when we tried to retrieve something.

首先,您需要一个额外的对象来用作Class2 中的locker

class Class2
    public object locker = new object();
    private string m_status;



    private List<Class2> threadTaskWorker(List<Class2> taskObjs)
        Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "thread" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        Console.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " created.");
        //Process all items in the list that need processing
        foreach (Class2 nextObj in taskObjs)
            Console.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId +
                " is handling " + nextObj.text);
            lock (nextObj.locker)
                if (nextObj.status == "created")
                    nextObj.status = "processing";
            nextObj.status = "processing";
            nextObj.threadid = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            nextObj.text += "(handled)";
            Random rnd = new Random();
            Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(300, 3000));
            nextObj.status = "completed";
        Console.WriteLine("thread #" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " destroyed.");
        return taskObjs;