
本文关键字:一个 动态 IEnumerable 创建 何创建 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:53:26

我知道这对你来说是个简单的问题。但我是c#的初学者。我想要实现的是创建一个方法,该方法将存储来自模型的任何类型的对象列表。例:List<Person> .


public IEnumerable<T> GetObjects<T>()
    Type type = typeof(T);
    PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
    foreach (PropertyInfo item in properties)
        // store properties

    List<T> objects = new List<T>();
    using (SqlConnection str = GetSqlConnection)
        // retrieve data from db 
        //then store it to list of objects
    return objects;




public IEnumerable<ItemBrand> getAllBrand
        List<ItemBrand> brands = new List<ItemBrand>();
        using (MySqlConnection strConn = getMySqlConnection())
            string query = "SELECT * FROM tblbrand";
            MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, strConn);
            MySqlDataReader rd = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            while (rd.Read())
                ItemBrand brand = new ItemBrand();
                brand.brandID = Convert.ToInt32(rd["brandID"]);
                brand.Name = rd["brandName"].ToString();
            return brands;



  // Create a new type of the entity I want
Type t = typeof(T);
T returnObject = new T();
for (int i = 0; i < dataReader.FieldCount; i++) {
    string colName = string.Empty;
    colName = dataReader.GetName(i);
    // Look for the object's property with the columns name, ignore case
    PropertyInfo pInfo = t.GetProperty(colName.ToLower(), BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
    // did we find the property ?
    if (pInfo != null) {
        if (dataReader.Read()) {
            object val = dataReader[colName];
            // is this a Nullable<> type
            bool IsNullable = (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pInfo.PropertyType) != null);
            if (IsNullable) {
                if (val is System.DBNull) {
                    val = null;
                } else {
                    // Convert the db type into the T we have in our Nullable<T> type
                    val = Convert.ChangeType(val, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pInfo.PropertyType));
            } else {
                // Convert the db type into the type of the property in our entity
                val = Convert.ChangeType(val, pInfo.PropertyType);
            // Set the value of the property with the value from the db
            pInfo.SetValue(returnObject, val, null);


public IEnumerable<T> CreateListOfItems(string tableName,
                                        Func<MySqlDataReader, T> itemCreator)
    var items = new List<T>();
    using (var strConn = getMySqlConnection())
        string query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName;
        var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, strConn);
        var rd = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (rd.Read())
    return items;


private ItemBrand CreateItemBrandFromDBData(MySqlDataReader rd)
    return new ItemBrand
        BrandID = Convert.ToInt32(rd["brandID"]),
        Name = rd["brandName"].ToString()
var brands = CreateListOfItems<ItemBrand>(tblbrand, CreateItemBrandFromDBData);

我编写了一个方法,用于获取从存储过程检索到的结果并将其转换为对象列表。你唯一需要注意的是:要映射到的类必须具有与从数据库发送的列名相同的列名。<>之前public IEnumerable (字符串storedProcedure,字典参数= null,字符串connectionString = null{

var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = storedProcedure; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; if (parameters != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> parameter in parameters) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(parameter.Key, parameter.Value); } } cmd.Connection = conn; conn.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var element = Activator.CreateInstance<T>(); foreach (var f in properties) { var o = reader[f.Name]; if (o.GetType() != typeof(DBNull)) { f.SetValue(element, o, null); } o = null; } list.Add(element); } } conn.Close(); } return list; } 之前