
本文关键字:列表 字符串 问题 另一个 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:21:34


abstract class Book
  abstract internal void loadPages();
  protected string[] bookText { get; set; }  // Load entire book text into
  /// Other generic book properties
  public Book(string filename)  // Load the book
    bookText = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
  protected abstract class Page  // Generic page properties
    internal int pageNum { get; set; }
    internal List<string> pageText{ get; set; }  // Single page from the book
    public Page()    // Init list of strings
      pageText = new List<string>();
class DailyReflections : Book
  List<dailyPage> dailypages = new List<dailyPage>();  // Init list of Pages
  override internal void loadPages()  // Split dailypages from bookText
    DateTime date = new DateTime();
    DateTime date2 = new DateTime();
    dailyPage temp = new dailyPage();
    for (int bookline = 0; bookline < bookText.LongLength; bookline++)
      if (DateTime.TryParse(this.bookText[bookline], out date))
        while (!DateTime.TryParse(bookText[bookline], out date2))
          if (++bookline >= bookText.LongLength) break;
      temp.dailyDate = date;
//    ^^^ This line I get an out of range error, this should be line 1 of the 
//    first page. Same error with any index used. If I take out the line
//    temp.pageText.Clear(); (used to clear the text to fill it with the next
//    page, maybe I am using it wrong). Without the .Clear() dailypages[0]
//    contains page 1, [1] contains page 1 and page 2, [2] pages 1,2,3 since.
//    it continues adding to the end of temp.pageText without clearing the 
//    last page.
  protected class dailyPage : Page  // Page with values unique to the book
    internal DateTime dailyDate { get; set: }  // Date on the page
    internal string pageTitle { get; set; }  // Title of the page





public interface IBook
    // List might be too specific, IEnumerable might work fine
    List<IPage> Pages { get; set; }
    // ctor loading is ok, but harder to unit test and define via interface
    void LoadPages(string fileName); 
public interface IPage
    int Number { get; set; }
    string Text { get; set; }
public class DailyReflections : IBook
    List<IPage> Pages { get; set; }
    public void LoadPages(string fileName)
        // Read one line at time, perhaps by appending line to StringBuilder
        // Attempt to parse date on this line, then when your date parses, 
        // create new DailyPage from StringBuilder text and date, then add to Pages.
        // Then clear your StringBuilder and continue until all lines are read.
        // e.g. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.streamreader.readline(v=vs.110).aspx
public class DailyPage : IPage
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }





因此,这个问题通过替换日画而被消除了。添加(temp)与dailypages。Add(new dailyPage),它保留特定于dailyPage类型的新内存块。如果我要将dailypages.pageText作为一个列表,我需要为每个为dailypages创建的新列表项添加dailypage[totalPages-1]pageText.Add(新字符串),以使我的列表在列表中工作。我会发布"修复"的代码,但由于我对C#还很陌生,我相信你们这些老手会发现许多新手错误:)我还远远没有完成这个代码,但我想我会发布我发现的解决方案来解决我之前的问题。我从帖子中得到了一些有用的信息。

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Books
    abstract class Book // Class prototype for a book from a text file
        public string bookTitle { get; set; } // the title
        public string bookSubTitle { get; set; } // subtitle
        public string bookAuthor { get; set; }  // author
        protected string[] bookText { get; set; } // book's text
        protected int totalPages { get; set; } // Total number of pages
        public Boolean loadError = false;     // file not found marker
        abstract internal void loadPages(); // seperates pages
        // Generic class constructor
        public Book(string filename)
            if (File.Exists(filename)) // does text file book exist?
                bookText = File.ReadAllLines(filename); //load bookText
                loadError = true;// File was not found
                ErrorMessage("File '"" + filename + "'" is missing.                             
                  'nClosing program.");
        // Displays an error message
        private static void ErrorMessage(string str)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
        // Prototype class for a page
        protected abstract class Page
            internal int pageNum { get; set; }
            internal string pageText { get; set;}
    // Class used specifically for the "Daily Reflections" book
    class DailyReflections : Book
        List<dailyPage> dailypages = new List<dailyPage>();
        private DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
        // Organizes pages from bookText[] into dailypages list
        internal void loadPages()
            DateTime date = new DateTime();
            DateTime date2 = new DateTime();
            string temptitle;
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
            for (int bookline = 0; bookline < bookText.LongLength;                    
                if (DateTime.TryParse(bookText[bookline], out date))
                    temptitle = bookText[bookline].Trim();
                    while (!DateTime.TryParse(bookText[bookline], out                         
                        if (++bookline >= bookText.LongLength) break;
                    dailypages.Add(new dailyPage());
                    dailypages[totalPages].pageDate = date;
                    dailypages[totalPages].pageText = str.ToString();
                    dailypages[totalPages].pageNum = totalPages + 1;
                    dailypages[totalPages].pageTitle = temptitle;
        // Class constructor unique to DailyReflections
        public DailyReflections() : base("Daily Reflections.txt")
            this.bookTitle = "Daily Reflections";
            this.bookSubTitle = "";
            this.bookAuthor = "";
        // Display all lines of bookText
        public void printText()
            foreach (dailyPage txt in dailypages)
        // Page[] unique to DailyReflections
        protected class dailyPage : Page
            internal DateTime pageDate { get; set; }
            internal string pageTitle { get; set; }