
本文关键字:文件 调用 另一个 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:24:54




feature file 1
Scenario: Successful addition of an entry in list
Given User is on the login screen of app
When User enters valid Username and password
And user clicks on Log In 
Then My Recent Submissions screen is displayed
And Add new submission form button should be displayed
#Scenario: Viewing Material information
When User clicks on Add new submission form (+) button 
And a valid Material is searched using <visit> or <mrn>
And user clicks on Search
Then Search Result screen is displayed
#Scenario: Confirming the Material information and taking a photo
When User clicks Take Photo button
And user clicks on Use Photo
Then Image details screen is displayed
#Scenario: Selecting the facility name to reach New submission screen
When user clicks on Warehouse
And user clicks on Xyz Warehouse
Then New Submission screen is displayed
#Scenario: Confirm the Selected Facility to reach My Recent Submission Screen
When user clicks on Submit
Then Alert window pops up
When user selects Yes button on pop up screen
Then My Recent Submissions screen is displayed
And New Entry is added in list
| Username | password   | visit  | mrn    | Search | SearchByScanning |
| user1    | password_1 | 330045 |        | Yes    | No               |
| user1    | password_1 |        | 330045 | Yes    | No               |
| user1    | password_1 |        |        |        |Yes               |
| user1    | password_1 |        |        |        |Yes               |




[Then(@"(.*) screen is displayed")]
public void ThenApplicationShouldDisplayScreen(string expectedResult)
    actualResult = SearchResult.GetTitle ();
    Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult);
feature file 2
Scenario: User verifies some other functionality
Given some other given statements
When user  does some otherxyz operations
Then user gets some anotherabc output
Given User has created submission successfully #This line would call some of the steps from feature file 1
Given some other given statements
When user  does some othermno operations
Then user gets some anotherpqr output

在的另一个步骤定义文件中(功能fle 2)

public class webConfigUpdation  : Warehouse.MM.Test.MyRecentSubmissionsSteps #This would inherit all the steps present in this file as stated in link given below
    [Given("User has created submission sucessfully")]
    public void createSubmissionSuccessfully()
         //All the other statements as per requirement that I can add over here using from feature file 1 which will in turn call step definitions mapped to each one of them
        Then(@"My Recent Submissions screen is displayed");






public class webConfigUpdation  : Steps
    [Given("User has created submission sucessfully")]
    public void createSubmissionSuccessfully()
         //just call all the steps you need here:
         When("user clicks on Warehouse");
         When("user clicks on Xyz Warehouse");
         Then("New Submission screen is displayed");
         When("user clicks on Submit");
         Then("Alert window pops up");
         When("user selects Yes button on pop up screen");
         Then("My Recent Submissions screen is displayed");

