
本文关键字:两个 合并 linq 条件 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:25:48


 pkey: int
 region: int?
 product_type: int
 product_size: int
 price: double
 desc: string




pkey | region | product_type | product_size | price | desc
 1,    null,    20,            7,             2.70,   salad1    
 2,    null,    20,            3,             2.50,   salad7    
 3,    17,      20,            7,             1.90,   saladspecial    
 4,    17,      20,            5,             2.20,   other


 2,    null,    20,            3,             2.50,   salad7    
 3,    17,      20,            7,             1.90,   saladspecial    
 4,    17,      20,            5,             2.20,   other

(注意,具有pkey 1的行被丢弃,因为具有pkey 3的行具有相同的product_type和product_size)

var query1 = from p in PRICES where p.region == 17    
             select p;
var query2 = from p in PRICES where p.region is null     
             select p;


  1. 如何联接query1和query2以获得期望的输出?

  2. 只需一个查询就可以完成?


以下查询仅选择区域为17null的价格,并按唯一关键字{ p.product_type, p.product_size }对其进行分组。然后,它检查组是否包含至少一个具有区域17的价格。如果是,则我们从组中选择该区域的所有价格(并跳过null区域的价格)。否则,我们返回整个组(它只有空区域):

var query = from p in PRICES.Where(x => x.region == 17 || x.region == null)
            group p by new { p.product_type, p.product_size } into g
            from pp in g.Any(x => x.region == 17) ? 
                       g.Where(x => x.region == 17) : g
            select pp;


1 null 20 7 2.7 salad1       // goes to group {20,7} with region 17 price
2 null 20 3 2.5 salad7       // goes to group {20,3} without region 17 prices
3   17 20 7 1.9 saladspecial // goes to group {20,7}
4   17 20 5 2.2 other        // goes to group {20,5}


2 null 20 3 2.5 salad7 
3   17 20 7 1.9 saladspecial
4   17 20 5 2.2 other

EDIT上面的查询可以很好地处理内存中的对象(即LINQ to objects),但LINQ to Entitis功能并没有那么强大,它不支持嵌套查询。因此,对于Entity Framework,您将需要两个查询——一个是获取null区域的价格,该区域在组中没有17区域的价格;另一个是17:区域的价格

var pricesWithoutRegion = 
            db.PRICES.Where(p => p.region == 17 || p.region == null)
              .GroupBy(p => new { p.product_type, p.product_size })
              .Where(g => !g.Any(p => p.region == 17))
              .SelectMany(g => g);
var query = db.PRICES.Where(p => p.region == 17).Concat(pricesWithoutRegion);


SELECT [UnionAll1].[pkey] AS [C1], 
       [UnionAll1].[region] AS [C2], 
       [UnionAll1].[product_type] AS [C3], 
       [UnionAll1].[product_size] AS [C4]
FROM (SELECT [Extent1].[pkey] AS [pkey], 
             [Extent1].[region] AS [region], 
             [Extent1].[product_type] AS [product_type], 
             [Extent1].[product_size] AS [product_size]
      FROM [dbo].[Prices] AS [Extent1] WHERE 17 = [Extent1].[region]
   SELECT [Extent4].[pkey] AS [pkey], 
          [Extent4].[region] AS [region], 
          [Extent4].[product_type] AS [product_type], 
          [Extent4].[product_size] AS [product_size]
   FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Extent2].[product_type] AS [product_type], 
                         [Extent2].[product_size] AS [product_size]
         FROM [dbo].[Prices] AS [Extent2]
         WHERE ([Extent2].[region] = 17 OR [Extent2].[region] IS NULL) AND 
               (NOT EXISTS 
                (SELECT 1 AS [C1] FROM [dbo].[Prices] AS [Extent3]
                 WHERE ([Extent3].[region] = 17 OR [Extent3].[region] IS NULL)
                       AND ([Extent2].[product_type] = [Extent3].[product_type])
                       AND ([Extent2].[product_size] = [Extent3].[product_size])
                       AND (17 = [Extent3].[region])
                 ))) AS [Distinct1]
   INNER JOIN [dbo].[Prices] AS [Extent4] 
       ON ([Extent4].[region] = 17 OR [Extent4].[region] IS NULL)
          AND ([Distinct1].[product_type] = [Extent4].[product_type])
          AND ([Distinct1].[product_size] = [Extent4].[product_size]))
   AS [UnionAll1]



//for 2 queries
var query = query1.Union(query2.Except(query2.Where(x=>query1.Any(y=>x.product_type==y.product_type&&x.product_size==y.product_size))))
//for 1 query
//the class/type to make the group key
public class GroupKey
        public int ProductType { get; set; }
        public int ProductSize { get; set; }
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            GroupKey gk = obj as GroupKey;
            return ProductType == gk.ProductType && ProductSize == gk.ProductSize;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return ProductSize ^ ProductType;
var query = list.Where(x => x.region == 17 || x.region == null)
                .GroupBy(x => new GroupKey{ProductType = x.product_type, ProductSize = x.product_size })
                .SelectMany<IGrouping<GroupKey,Price>,Price,Price>(x => x.Where(k => x.Count(y => y.region == 17) == 0 || k.region == 17), (x,g) => g)