
本文关键字:FileSystemWatcher 同步 何同步 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:26:31


Creating plugin for file c:'temp'file1.txt
Creating plugin for file c:'temp'file2.txt
Creating plugin for file c:'temp'file3.txt
Starting watching c:'temp'file1.txt
Finished watching file c:'temp'file1.txt
Starting watching c:'temp'file2.txt
Finished watching file c:'temp'file2.txt
Starting watching c:'temp'file3.txt
Finished watching file c:'temp'file3.txt
namespace Test2
    internal static class MyProgram
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Plugin> plugins = new List<Plugin>
                                           new Plugin(@"c:'temp'file1.txt"),
                                           new Plugin(@"c:'temp'file2.txt"),
                                           new Plugin(@"c:'temp'file3.txt"),
            foreach (var plugin in plugins)
                // I need StartWatch to be called only after i got OnChanged() for the previous plugin

    public class Plugin
        private FileSystemWatcher _watcher;
        private readonly string _file;
        public Plugin(string file)
            _file = file;
            Console.WriteLine("Creating plugin for file {0}", _file);
        public void StartWatch()
            Console.WriteLine("Starting watching {0}", _file);
            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(_file);
            if (fileInfo.Directory != null)
                _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(fileInfo.Directory.FullName, fileInfo.Name);
                _watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
                _watcher.Changed += OnChanged;
                _watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
            // i want the main thread to be paused untill i get the OnChanged()
        private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Finished watching file {0}", _file);
            // once i get this event, i want the main thread to continue and to start watching the same plugin



namespace Test2
    internal static class MyProgram
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Plugin> plugins = new List<Plugin>
                                           new Plugin(@"c:'temp'file1.txt"),
                                           new Plugin(@"c:'temp'file2.txt"),
                                           new Plugin(@"c:'temp'file3.txt"),
            foreach (var plugin in plugins)
                // I need StartWatch to be called only after i got OnChanged() for the previous plugin

    public class Plugin
        private FileSystemWatcher _watcher;
        private readonly string _file;
        public AutoResetEvent WaitHandler {get;private set;} 
        public Plugin(string file)
            _file = file;
            Console.WriteLine("Creating plugin for file {0}", _file);
            WaitHandler = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        public void StartWatch()
            Console.WriteLine("Starting watching {0}", _file);
            FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(_file);
            if (fileInfo.Directory != null)
                _watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(fileInfo.Directory.FullName, fileInfo.Name);
                _watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
                _watcher.Changed += OnChanged;
                _watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
            // i want the main thread to be paused untill i get the OnChanged()
        private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Finished watching file {0}", _file);
            // once i get this event, i want the main thread to continue and to start watching the same plugin