
本文关键字:字符串 输入 用户 确保 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:27:14


Console.Write("Please enter the diameter of your pizza: "); // get user to input pizzaDiameter
        Double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out pizzaDiameter); // read the users keyboard
        //and convert input to real number to hold as the pizzaDiameter variable

          *                                                                               *
          *                         PROCESSING                                            *
          *                                                                               *
          * *******************************************************************************/
        while (pizzaDiameter != QUIT_PROGRAM && needInput) // Begin while loop

            // determine if diameter is within 12 to 36
            // if does not meet requirements show error message and have user enter in new diameter
            //if (Double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out pizzaDiameter))
                //Console.WriteLine("'nENTRY ERROR'n'nPizza diameter must be a whole or real number.'n'nPlease try again");
                //needInput = false;
                if (pizzaDiameter < MINIMUM_DIAMETER || pizzaDiameter > MAXIMUM_DIAMETER)
                    //error message detailing why the program failed to calculate
                    Console.WriteLine("'nENTRY RANGE ERROR'n'nPizza must have a diameter in the range of 12” to 36” inclusive!'n'nPlease try again");
                {    //program is satisfied with the inputted amount and will now move on to the range checking
                    needInput = false;

                    //Determines the number of slices based on user inputted diameter
                    if (pizzaDiameter <= DIAMETER_SMALL)//checks if pizzaDiameter is <=small
                        pizzaSlices = (SLICES_MINIMUM);//sets pizzaSlices to the minimum of 8
                    else if (pizzaDiameter <= DIAMETER_MEDIUM)//diameter range for <24
                        pizzaSlices = (SLICES_MEDIUM);// sets number of slices to 12
                    else if (pizzaDiameter <= DIAMETER_LARGE)//diameter range for <30
                        pizzaSlices = (SLICES_HIGH);// sets number of slices to 16
                        pizzaSlices = (SLICES_MAXIMUM);//sets maximum slices because diameter is >30




// Just to enter the loop the first time....
double pizzaDiameter = 1.0d;
const double QUIT_PROGRAM = 0.0d;
while (pizzaDiameter != QUIT_PROGRAM) 
     Console.Write("Please enter the diameter of your pizza: (0 to exit) "); 
     // Add the NOT operator in front of the TryParse call
     if(!Double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out pizzaDiameter))
        ... false returned by TryParse
        ... error message....
     else if( .... check for diameter min/max .....)
        ... diameter not valid error message
        .... start calculus....
     // end while here... 
     // if input is incorrect the loop restart until diameter = 0
     // So, no need to ask again the pizza diameter in this point