
本文关键字:列表 组合 获取 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:30:52

我有以下TestParam列表...这只是一个参数列表,用于确定查询的运行方式。在以下情况下,预期结果将针对不同参数的所有组合执行。因此,一个列表列表,其中 CustomerId 33 以及列表中的每个产品 ID ...

List<TestParam> testList = new List<TestParam>();
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "CustomerId", Value = "33" });
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "ProductId", Value = "1" });
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "ProductId", Value = "2" });
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "ProductId", Value = "3" });
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "ProductId", Value = "4" });
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "ProductId", Value = "5" });
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "ProductId", Value = "6" });
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "ProductId", Value = "7" });
        testList.Add(new TestParam() { Name = "ProductId", Value = "8" });

TestParam 是一个普通封装的参数类,具有名称和值...

public class TestParam
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Value { get; set; }

最终结果将是一个列表列表,具有 CustomerId 33,以及所有其他产品。如果我在 TestParam 列表中有不同的名称和值,将获得相同的结果(以上只是一个示例)。


   // First get a list of distinct unique param collections...
    List<string> distinctParameterNames = new List<string>();
    testList.GroupBy(x => x.Name).ForEach(paramName => {
    // Get counts
    List<int> combinationList = new List<int>();
    foreach (var x in distinctParameterNames) { 
        combinationList.Add(testList.Where(y=>y.Name == x).Count());
    // Will contain 2 lists, one having all combinations of parameters named CustomerId, and another with ProductId combinations...
    List<List<TestParam>> parameterList = new List<List<TestParam>>();
    foreach (var x in distinctParameterNames) {
        // Loop 
        List<TestParam> parameter = new List<TestParam>();
        testList.Where(paramName => paramName.Name == x).ForEach(y =>
            parameter.Add(new TestParam() { Name = y.Name, Value = y.Value });


  1. 客户 33,产品 ID 1
  2. 客户 33,产品 ID 2
  3. 客户 33,产品 ID 3
  4. 客户 33,产品 ID 4
  5. 客户 33,产品 ID 5
  6. 客户 33,产品 ID 6
  7. 客户 33,产品 ID 7
  8. 客户 33,产品 ID 8




public static List<List<T>> AllCombinationsOf<T>(params List<T>[] sets)
            // need array bounds checking etc for production
            var combinations = new List<List<T>>();
            // prime the data
            foreach (var value in sets[0])
                combinations.Add(new List<T> { value });
            foreach (var set in sets.Skip(1))
                combinations = AddExtraSet(combinations, set);
            return combinations;
        private static List<List<T>> AddExtraSet<T>
     (List<List<T>> combinations, List<T> set)
            var newCombinations = from value in set
                                  from combination in combinations
                                  select new List<T>(combination) { value };
            return newCombinations.ToList();


var intersection = AllCombinationsOf(parameterList.ToArray());


var customers = from a in testlist where a.name='customerid'
                select a;
var products = from a in testlist where a.name='productid'
                select a;  


for(var c in customers)
    loop products
     for(var p in products)
        var customerproducts = new CustomerProducts{
            Customer = c.Name +' ' + c.Value
            Product = p.Name + ' ' + p.value
       then add it into a list 


        var groups = testList.GroupBy(_ => _.Name);
        IEnumerable<IEnumerable<TestParam>> result = null;
        foreach (var g in groups)
            var current = g.Select(_ => new[] { _ });
            if (result == null)
                result = current;
            result = result.Join(current, _ => true, _ => true, (actual, c) => actual.Concat(c));
        // check result
        foreach (var i in result)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", i.Select(_ => string.Format("{0}-{1}", _.Name, _.Value))));