使用 LINQ 分析 XML 以获取子元素

本文关键字:获取 元素 XML LINQ 分析 使用 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:32:01

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
     <Employee name="Jon" deptId="123">
      <Region name="West">
        <Area code="96" />
      <Region name="East">
        <Area code="88" />
public class Employee
    public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
    public string DeptId { get; set; }
    public List<string> RegionList {get; set;}
public class Region
    public string RegionName { get; set; }
    public string AreaCode { get; set; }


XDocument xml = XDocument.Load(@"C:'data.xml");
var xElement = xml.Element("CompanyInfo");
if (xElement != null)
    foreach (var child in xElement.Elements())
        foreach (var item in child.Attributes())
            Console.WriteLine(item.Name + ": " + item.Value);
        foreach (var childElement in child.Elements())
            Console.WriteLine("--->" + childElement.Name);
            foreach (var ds in childElement.Attributes())
                Console.WriteLine(ds.Name + ": " + ds.Value);
            foreach (var element in childElement.Elements())
                Console.WriteLine("------->" + element.Name);
                foreach (var ds in element.Attributes())
                    Console.WriteLine(ds.Name + ": " + ds.Value);

这使我能够获取每个节点,其属性名称和值,因此我可以将这些数据保存到数据库中的相关字段中,但这似乎是一个漫长的方式和不灵活,例如,如果 XML 结构更改了所有这些 foreach 语句需要重新访问,也很难以这种方式过滤数据,我需要编写某些 if 语句来过滤数据(例如,仅从西方获得员工等......

我一直在寻找一种更灵活的方法,使用 linq,如下所示:

List<Employees> employees =
              (from employee in xml.Descendants("CompanyInfo")
               select new employee
                   EmployeeName = employee.Element("employee").Value,
                   EmployeeDeptId = ?? get data,
                   RegionName = ?? get data,
                   AreaCode = ?? get data,,



使用 LINQ 分析 XML 以获取子元素

var employees = (from e in xml.Root.Elements("Employee")
                 let r = e.Element("Region")
                 where (string)r.Attribute("name") == "West"
                 select new Employee
                     EmployeeName = (string)e.Attribute("employee"),
                     EmployeeDeptId = (string)e.Attribute("deptId"),
                     RegionName = (string)r.Attribute("name"),
                     AreaCode = (string)r.Element("Area").Attribute("code"),

但是,当 XML 文件结构更改时,它仍然需要修改查询。



var employees = (from e in xml.Root.Elements("Employee")
                 select new Employee
                     EmployeeName = (string)e.Attribute("employee"),
                     DeptId = (string)e.Attribute("deptId"),
                     RegionList = e.Elements("Region")
                                   .Select(r => new Region {
                                       RegionName = (string)r.Attribute("name"),
                                       AreaCode = (string)r.Element("Area").Attribute("code")


var westEmployees = employees.Where(x => x.RegionList.Any(r => r.RegionName == "West")).ToList();


from employee in xml
      .Element("CompanyInfo")       // must be root
      .Elements("Employee")         // only directly children of CompanyInfo


from employee in xml.Descendants("Employee")    // all employees at any level


       select new Employee
           EmployeeName = employee.Attribute("name").Value,
           EmployeeDeptId = employee.Attribute("deptId").Value,
           RegionName = employee.Element("Region").Attribute("name").Value,
           AreaCode = employee.Element("Region").Element("Area").Attribute("code").Value,

对于有关多个区域的其他信息,假设属性List<Region> Regions

       select new Employee
           EmployeeName = employee.Attribute("name").Value,
           EmployeeDeptId = employee.Attribute("deptId").Value,
           //RegionName = employee.Element("Region").Attribute("name").Value,
           //AreaCode = employee.Element("Region").Element("Area").Attribute("code").Value,
           Regions = (from r in employee.Elements("Region") select new Region 
                         Name = r.Attribute("name").Value,
                         Code = r.Element("Area").Attribute("code").Value,



        // do te transformation
        var employees =
          from employee in xml.Descendants("CompanyInfo").Elements("Employee")
          select new
              EmployeeName = employee.Attribute("name").Value,
              EmployeeDeptId = employee.Attribute("deptId").Value,
              Regions = from region in employee.Elements("Region")
                        select new
                                Name = region.Attribute("name").Value,
                                AreaCode = region.Element("Area").Attribute("code").Value,
        // now do the filtering
        var filteredEmployees = from employee in employees
                                from region in employee.Regions
                                where region.AreaCode == "96"
                                select employee;


          var employees2 =
          from selectedEmployee2 in
              from employee in xml.Descendants("CompanyInfo").Elements("Employee")
              select new
                  EmployeeName = employee.Attribute("name").Value,
                  EmployeeDeptId = employee.Attribute("deptId").Value,
                  Regions = from region in employee.Elements("Region")
                            select new
                                    Name = region.Attribute("name").Value,
                                    AreaCode = region.Element("Area").Attribute("code").Value,
          from region in selectedEmployee2.Regions
          where region.AreaCode == "96"
          select selectedEmployee2;


 var employees =
          from employee in xml.Descendants("CompanyInfo").Elements("Employee")
          select new
              EmployeeName = (employee.Attribute("name") != null) ? employee.Attribute("name").Value : string.Empty,
              EmployeeDeptId = (employee.Attribute("deptId") != null) ? employee.Attribute("deptId").Value : string.Empty,
              Regions = (employee.Elements("Region") != null)?
                        from region in employee.Elements("Region")
                        select new
                                Name = (region.Attribute("name")!= null) ? region.Attribute("name").Value : string.Empty,
                                AreaCode = (region.Element("Area") != null && region.Element("Area").Attribute("code") != null) ? region.Element("Area").Attribute("code").Value : string.Empty,
                        : null