
本文关键字:网格 属性 优化 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:32:59


为了使在PropertyGrid中编辑类 Foo 的实例变得舒适,我必须为 Foo 的属性设置几个属性,例如Browsable


如何获得 Foo 的PropertyGrid友好版本?

我已经尝试从它继承(将其命名为 FooDesignable)并使用所需的属性隐藏其属性。然而,这并没有很好地工作很长时间,直到我发现Foo正在使用库项目的其他自定义类,然后我也必须隐藏这些类,并更改Foo中的现有属性以返回XxxDesignable类型。





public Form1()
    DynamicTypeDescriptor dt = new DynamicTypeDescriptor(typeof(MyBeautifulClass));
    // initialize the class the way you want
    MyBeautifulClass c = new MyBeautifulClass();
    c.MyProperty = "hello world";
    // we need to replace a property by another version, so let's remove the existing one
    // create a new similar property with a new editor and the current value
        typeof(string),            // type
        "MyProperty",              // name
        c.MyProperty,              // value
        "My Property",             // display name 
        "My Property Description", // description
        "My Category",             // category
        false,                     // has default value?
        null,                      // default value
        false,                     // readonly?
        typeof(MyEditor));         // editor 
    // create a wrapped object from the original one.
    // unchanged properties will keep their current value
    var newObject = dt.FromComponent(c);
    // hook on value change
    newObject.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
        // update the original object
        // note: the code could be made more generic
        c.MyProperty = newObject.GetPropertyValue<string>(e.PropertyName, null);
    propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = newObject;
public class MyBeautifulClass
    public string MyProperty { get; set; }
// this stupid sample editor puts a current string in upper case... :-)
public class MyEditor : UITypeEditor
    public override UITypeEditorEditStyle GetEditStyle(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
        return UITypeEditorEditStyle.Modal;
    public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value)
        return value == null ? value : value.ToString().ToUpper();

您有制作另一种类型的正确想法,但FooDesigner应该是一个包装器,而不是从Foo继承。这样,您就可以将复杂对象包装在它们自己的包装器类型中。如果您要包装很多类,这可能会变得乏味。您可能需要查看 T4 模板来帮助为包装类生成框架。下面是一个示例:

class FooDesigner
     private Foo foo;
     public FooDesigner(Foo foo)
         this.foo = foo;
     public int Prop1 
         get { return foo.Prop1; } 
         set { foo.Prop1 = value; } 
     public BarDesigner Bar { get { return new BarDesigner(foo.Bar); } }
class BarDesigner
     private Bar bar;
     public BarDesigner(Bar bar) 
         this.bar = bar;
     public string Prop2 
         get { return bar.Prop2; } 
         set { bar.Prop2 = value; } 