如何为此编写 linq 查询

本文关键字:linq 查询 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:33:51

>我需要在Linq to SQL中编写以下查询,但不确定最好的方法是什么,因为它有两个派生表。任何建议。

    SELECT *   
    FROM Orders   
    WHERE ProductID = 5  
) A  
    SELECT CustomerID, MAX(Price) Price   
    FROM Orders   
    WHERE ProductID = 5  
    GROUP BY CustomerID  
) B  
ON A.CustomerID = B.CustomerID and A.Price = B.Price  

如何为此编写 linq 查询

var b = (
    from o in db.Orders
    where o.ProductID == 5
    group o by o.CustomerID into og 
    select new {
        CustomerID = og.Key
        Price = Max(og.Price)
var a = (
    from o in db.Orders
    join p in b on new {a.CustomerID, a.Price} equals 
            new {b.CustomerID, b.Price}
    where o.ProductID == 5
    select a.ID
var r = a.ToString();


  • http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/101-LINQ-Samples-3fb9811b
  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/bb688085

您能否使用 LINQ 简化此操作,尤其是在使用方法语法而不是查询语法时。

orders.Where(o => o.ProductID == 5)
    .GroupBy(o => o.CustomerID)
    .SelectMany(g => g.Where(o => o.Price == g.Max(m => m.Price)));

我在编写 LINQ 时的建议是,不要简单地尝试精确地转换 SQL 语句。 考虑所需的结果并开发专为 LINQ 设计的解决方案。


var result = from a in context.Orders
             join b in (context.Orders.Where(o => o.ProductID == 5).GroupBy(o => o.CustomerID).Select(g => new { CustomerID = g.Key, Price = g.Max(o => o.Price)))
                 on new {a.CustomerID, a.Price} equals new {b.CustomerID, b.Price}
             where a.ProductID == 5
             select a.ID;