需要有关显示 DLL 文件中的值的帮助

本文关键字:帮助 文件 DLL 显示 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:34:22

这是整个文件。我正在尝试了解如何显示来自 ODBAXIS 的信息。此代码在第 130 行有一个错误代码。

 * */
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace SampleFOCAS2Projtest1
public partial class frmMacroVars : Form
    bool iConnected = false;
    short hndl;
    //ushort Flibhndl;
    //Read a macro variable
    private static extern short cnc_rdmacro(short hndl, short number, short length, ref ODBM c);

  // private static extern short cnc_absolute(short hndl, short number, short length, ref ODBAXIS c);

    /* read absolute axis position */
    [DllImport("FWLIB32.dll", EntryPoint = "cnc_absolute")]
    public static extern short cnc_absolute(short hndl,
    short a, short b, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] ODBAXIS c);
    // In the FOCAS2 Functions, long value types are equivalent to Int32 types in .NET
    // Write a macro variable
    private static extern short cnc_wrmacro(short hndl, short number, short length, int mcr_val, short dec_val);
    //Once again, specify layout of the structure for communication with unmanaged DLL
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    public struct ODBM
        public short datano;       /* custom macro variable number */
        public short dummy;        /* (not used) */
        public int mcr_val;        /* value of custom macro variable */
        public short dec_val;      /* number of places of decimals */
    /* cnc_absolute:read absolute axis position */
    /* cnc_machine:read machine axis position */
    /* cnc_relative:read relative axis position */
    /* cnc_distance:read distance to go */
    /* cnc_skip:read skip position */
    /* cnc_srvdelay:read servo delay value */
    /* cnc_accdecdly:read acceleration/deceleration delay value */
    /* cnc_absolute2:read absolute axis position 2 */
    /* cnc_relative2:read relative axis position 2 */
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    public class ODBAXIS
        public short dummy;  /* dummy */
        public short type;   /* axis number */
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
        public int[] data;      /* data value */


    public frmMacroVars(bool iConnect, short handle)
        this.iConnected = iConnect;
        this.hndl = handle;
    //Form Load Event
    private void frmMacroVars_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (iConnected)
            lblConnected.Text = "You ARE connected";
            lblConnected.Text = "You are NOT connected";
    //Back Button
    private void cmdBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Close this form and return to main form
    private void tmrGetMacros_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ODBM odb = new ODBM();
        short odbmSize = 10;            //This value will always be 10. It is the size of the struct
        short retCode = -1;             //The return value of our FOCAS 2 Calls

        ODBAXIS  odba = new ODBAXIS(); //Added for reading the X axis
        short retCodee = -1;
       // int outcome = 0;        // interger needed for converting short to string
       // int test1 = 10;
        //int test2 = 10;

        //Only get the values if we are connected
        if (iConnected)
                //Get the contents of macro variable 500 and put in ODBM struct
                //This requires our handle to the control
                retCode = cnc_rdmacro(hndl, 500, odbmSize, ref odb);

这部分代码的工作原理是我可以正确地从 rdmacro 接收信息。

                if (retCode == 0)
                    txtMac500.Text = InsertDecimal(Convert.ToInt32(odb.mcr_val), Convert.ToInt16(odb.dec_val));

这部分代码会产生错误。(hndl, 1,1, ref odba) 不是正确的格式。不知道是什么。

                retCodee = cnc_absolute(hndl, 1,1, ref odba);

                    textBox1.Text = retCodee.ToString(); 
            catch (Exception) { }

    //Inserts a decimal place in an integer and returns the string of it
    //This is necessary because we do not get the actual macro variable value back, only the digits and a value that
    //specifies where the decimal place is, so the number must be created manually
    public string InsertDecimal(int value, short decSpot)
        //This takes in an integer 32 and a sport for a decimal and returns a string of an offset value. The decimal
        //point here is represented by a SHORT
        string strValue = value.ToString();
        if (decSpot != -1)
            strValue = (value / Math.Pow(10, decSpot)).ToString();
            strValue = value.ToString();
        return strValue;
    //Update Macro Variable 110 with contents of Textbox
    private void cmdUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string newMacVar = txtWrite110.Text;
        short decIndex = 0;
        int numVal = 0;
        short structLen = 10;       //It is always 10 in length
        short macNum = 110;         //We are writing to mac var 110
        if (!iConnected)
            MessageBox.Show("You are not connected to the control.", "Not Connected");
                if (txtWrite110.Text.Length > 0)
                    decIndex = (short)newMacVar.IndexOf('.');
                    if (decIndex <= 0)
                        decIndex = 0;
                        newMacVar = newMacVar.Remove(decIndex, 1);
                    numVal = Convert.ToInt32(newMacVar);
                    //Write our textbox input to macro variable 110
                    cnc_wrmacro(hndl, macNum, structLen, numVal, decIndex);
                    txtWrite110.Text = string.Empty;
                    MessageBox.Show("Type a number into the Write 'Macro Variable textbox'", "No Input");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("There was an error. Check your input. Error: " + ex.Message, "Error");
    private void txtMac110_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


需要有关显示 DLL 文件中的值的帮助

我看到这有点旧,但似乎没有答案。 也许这会在未来帮助某人:

我在 VB 中这样做是这样的:

    Dim AxData As New ODBAXIS
    Dim DataLen As Short
    DataLen = 4 + 4 * MAX_AXIS

    LastError = cnc_absolute(Hndl, -1, DataLen, AxData)

参数 3 是将检索的数据的长度。 "1"不是有效的长度。
此外,您正在使用"1",而我使用"-1",在这种情况下,我一次读取所有轴数据。 如果您只想读取第一轴的数据,请像以前一样使用"1"。