除了使用访问者模式之外,有没有办法在 C# 中拥有变体

本文关键字:拥有 有没有 访问者 模式 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:35:08

C# 中没有对变体类型(又名标记联合、可区分联合)的直接支持。但是,可以使用访客模式,通过双重调度进行区分,并保证在编译时解决所有情况。但是,实施起来很乏味。我想知道是否有更轻松的方法可以得到:某种具有区分机制的变体,可以保证在 C# 编译时解决联合的所有情况?

// This is a variant type. At each single time it can only hold one case (a value)
// from a predefined set of cases. All classes that implement this interface
// consitute the set of the valid cases of the variant. So at each time a variant can
// be an instance of one of the classes that implement this interface. In order to
// add a new case to the variant there must be another class that implements
// this interface.
public interface ISomeAnimal
    // This method introduces the currently held case to whoever uses/processes
    // the variant. By processing we mean that the case is turned into a resulting
    // value represented by the generic type TResult.
    TResult GetProcessed<TResult>(ISomeAnimalProcessor<TResult> processor);
// This is the awkward part, the visitor that is required every time we want to
// to process the variant. For each possible case this processor has a corresponding
// method that turns that case to a resulting value.
public interface ISomeAnimalProcessor<TResult>
    TResult ProcessCat(Cat cat);
    TResult ProcessFish(Fish fish);
// A case that represents a cat from the ISomeAnimal variant.
public class Cat : ISomeAnimal
    public CatsHead Head { get; set; }
    public CatsBody Body { get; set; }
    public CatsTail Tail { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<CatsLeg> Legs { get; set; }
    public TResult GetProcessed<TResult>(ISomeAnimalProcessor<TResult> processor)
        // a processor has a method for each case of a variant, for this
        // particular case (being a cat) we always pick the ProcessCat method
        return processor.ProcessCat(this);
// A case that represents a fish from the ISomeAnimal variant.
public class Fish : ISomeAnimal
    public FishHead Head { get; set; }
    public FishBody Body { get; set; }
    public FishTail Tail { get; set; }
    public TResult GetProcessed<TResult>(ISomeAnimalProcessor<TResult> processor)
        // a processor has a method for each case of a variant, for this
        // particular case (being a fish) we always pick the ProcessCat method
        return processor.ProcessFish(this);
public static class AnimalPainter
    // Now, in order to process a variant, in this case we want to
    // paint a picture of whatever animal it prepresents, we have to
    // create a new implementation of ISomeAnimalProcessor interface
    // and put the painting logic in it. 
    public static void AddAnimalToPicture(Picture picture, ISomeAnimal animal)
        var animalToPictureAdder = new AnimalToPictureAdder(picture);
    // Making a new visitor every time you need to process a variant:
    // 1. Requires a lot of typing.
    // 2. Bloats the type system.
    // 3. Makes the code harder to maintain.
    // 4. Makes the code less readable.
    private class AnimalToPictureAdder : ISomeAnimalProcessor<Nothing>
        private Picture picture;
        public AnimalToPictureAdder(Picture picture)
            this.picture = picture;
        public Nothing ProcessCat(Cat cat)
            this.picture.AddBackground(new SomeHouse());
            return Nothing.AtAll;
        public Nothing ProcessFish(Fish fish)
            this.picture.AddBackground(new SomeUnderwater());
            return Nothing.AtAll;

除了使用访问者模式之外,有没有办法在 C# 中拥有变体

您是否正在寻找类似于增强变体的东西?如果是这样,我认为直接移植是不可能的,因为C++模板语言和 C# 泛型有些不同。此外,boost::variant使用访客模式。无论如何,如果你愿意,你可以写类似的东西。例如(请注意,此代码只是一个概念证明),您可以为访问者和变体定义两种泛型类型:

public interface VariantVisitor<T, U>
    void Visit(T item);
    void Visit(U item);
public class Variant<T, U>
    public T Item1 { get; private set; }
    private bool _item1Set;
    public U Item2 { get; private set; }
    private bool _item2Set;
    public Variant()
    public void Set(T item)
        this.Item1 = item;
        _item1Set = true;
        _item2Set = false;
    public void Set(U item)
        this.Item2 = item;
        _item1Set = false;
        _item2Set = true;
    public void ApplyVisitor(VariantVisitor<T, U> visitor)
        if (_item1Set)
        else if (_item2Set)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Variant not set");


private static object _result;
internal class TimesTwoVisitor : VariantVisitor<int, string>
    public void Visit(int item)
        _result = item * 2;
    public void Visit(string item)
        _result = item + item;
public void TestVisitVariant()
    var visitor = new TimesTwoVisitor();
    var v = new Variant<int, string>();
    Assert.AreEqual(20, _result);
    Assert.AreEqual("testtest", _result);
    var v2 = new Variant<double, DateTime>();
    // Argument 1: cannot convert from 'TestCS.TestVariant.TimesTwoVisitor' to 'TestCS.TestVariant.VariantVisitor<double,System.DateTime>'

这样,编译器可以验证您是否将正确的访问者传递给正确的变体,并且VariantVisitor接口强制您为所有类型的变体实现 Visit 方法。显然,您还可以定义具有两个以上参数的变体:

public interface VariantVisitor<T, U, V>
public interface VariantVisitor<T, U, V, W>
public class Variant<T, U, V>
public class Variant<T, U, V, W>

但我个人不喜欢这种方法,我宁愿将Visit方法转换为 lambda,并在需要时将它们作为参数传递,如上面的评论中所述。例如,你可以编写某种穷人的模式匹配,将此方法添加到类Variant<T, U>

    public R Match<R>(Func<T, R> f1, Func<U, R> f2)
        if (_item1Set)
            return f1(this.Item1);
        else if (_item2Set)
            return f2(this.Item2);
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Variant not set");


public void TestMatch()
    var v = new Variant<int, string>();
    var r1 = v.Match(
        i => i * 2,
        s => s.Length);
    Assert.AreEqual(20, r1);
    var r2 = v.Match(
        i => i.ToString(),
        s => s + s);
    Assert.AreEqual("testtest", r2);




要么在 C# 中:http://siliconcoding.wordpress.com/2012/10/26/either_in_csharp/



所以我最终使用了一堆代表而不是访问者界面。这是这里一些人之前建议的方法的变体。显然,它为我节省了一堂课,用手关闭的麻烦,最终我必须比以前与访客一起打字少得多。只要正确实现 GetProcessingding方法,就可以保证详尽性(考虑所有情况)。唯一的麻烦是 C# 有"void"(缺少结果值)的东西,它由表示缺少值的名义类型 Nothing 来解决。

// This is a variant type. At each single time it can hold one case (a value)
// from a predefined set of cases. All classes that implement this interface
// consitute the set of the valid cases of the variant. So in order to
// add a new case to the variant there must be another class that implements
// this interface.
public interface ISomeAnimal
    // This method introduces any possible case the variant can hold to a processing
    // function that turns the value of that case into some result.
    // Using delegates instead of an interface saves us a lot of typing!
    TResult GetProcessed<TResult>(
        Func<Cat, TResult> processCat,
        Func<Fish, TResult> processFish
// A case that represents a cat from the ISomeAnimal variant.
public class Cat : ISomeAnimal
    public CatsHead Head { get; set; }
    public CatsBody Body { get; set; }
    public CatsTail Tail { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<CatsLeg> Legs { get; set; }
    public TResult GetProcessed<TResult>(
        Func<Cat, TResult> processCat,
        Func<Fish, TResult> processFish
    ) {
        // for this particular case (being a cat) we pick the processCat delegate
        return processCat(this);
// A case that represents a fish from the ISomeAnimal variant.
public class Fish : ISomeAnimal
    public FishHead Head { get; set; }
    public FishBody Body { get; set; }
    public FishTail Tail { get; set; }
    public TResult GetProcessed<TResult>(
        Func<Cat, TResult> processCat,
        Func<Fish, TResult> processFish
    ) {
        // for this particular case (being a fish) we pick the processFish method
        return processFish(this);
public static class AnimalPainter
    // Now, in order to process a variant, in this case we stil want to
    // add an animal to a picture, we don't need a visitor anymore.
    // All the painting logic stays within the same method.
    // Which is:
    // 1. Much less typing.
    // 2. More readable.
    // 3. Easier to maintain.
    public static void AddAnimalToPicture(Picture picture, ISomeAnimal animal)
            cat =>
                picture.AddBackground(new SomeHouse());
                return Nothing.AtAll;
            fish =>
                picture.AddBackground(new SomeUnderwater());
                return Nothing.AtAll;

表示要对对象结构的元素执行的操作。Visitor 允许您定义新操作,而无需更改其操作的元素的类。

此结构代码演示了 Visitor 模式,在该模式中,对象遍历对象结构并在此结构中的每个节点上执行相同的操作。不同的访问者对象定义不同的操作。


类主应用 { 静态空隙 主() { 设置结构 ObjectStructure o = new ObjectStructure(); o.Attach(new ConcreteElementA()); o.Attach(new ConcreteElementB());

  // Create visitor objects 
  ConcreteVisitor1 v1 = new ConcreteVisitor1();
  ConcreteVisitor2 v2 = new ConcreteVisitor2();
  // Structure accepting visitors 
  // Wait for user 


"访客" 抽象类访客 { 公共抽象空隙 访问混凝土元素A( ConcreteElementA concreteElementA); public abstract void VisitConcreteElementB( 混凝土元素B 混凝土元素B); }

"ConcreteVisitor1" 类混凝土访客1:访客 { public override void VisitConcreteElementA( ConcreteElementA concreteElementA) { Console.WriteLine("{0} visited by {1}", concreteElementA.GetType().名字,这个。GetType()。姓名); }

public override void VisitConcreteElementB(
  ConcreteElementB concreteElementB)
  Console.WriteLine("{0} visited by {1}",
    concreteElementB.GetType().Name, this.GetType().Name);


"ConcreteVisitor2" 类混凝土访客2:访客 { public override void VisitConcreteElementA( ConcreteElementA concreteElementA) { Console.WriteLine("{0} visited by {1}", concreteElementA.GetType().名字,这个。GetType()。姓名); }

public override void VisitConcreteElementB(
  ConcreteElementB concreteElementB)
  Console.WriteLine("{0} visited by {1}",
    concreteElementB.GetType().Name, this.GetType().Name);


"元素" 抽象类元素 { 公共摘要无效 接受(访客访客); }

"ConcreteElementA" 类 混凝土元素A : 元素 { 公共覆盖无效 接受(访客访客) { 游客。访问混凝土元素A(这个); }

public void OperationA()


"ConcreteElementB" 类 混凝土元素B : 元素 { 公共覆盖无效 接受(访客访客) { 游客。访问混凝土元素B(这个); }

public void OperationB()


"对象结构" 类对象结构 { 私有数组列表元素 = 新的数组列表();

public void Attach(Element element)
public void Detach(Element element)
public void Accept(Visitor visitor)
  foreach (Element e in elements)
