我在 GridView 中通过对象数据源选择了此方法,但网格视图显示为空

本文关键字:网格 视图 显示 此方法 GridView 对象 选择 数据源 我在 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:56:01

>我在 gridview 中通过 objectdatasource 选择了此方法,但网格视图显示为空![在此输入图像描述][1]


public List<Item> Item_Getall()
    List<Item> data = new List<Item>();
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("c_get_all_item",oo.conn);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    while (rdr.Read())
        data.Add(new Item());
            Name_id = (rdr["item_name_id_pk"].ToString());
            Name_arabic = (rdr["item_name_arabic"].ToString());
            Component_english = (rdr["item_componant"].ToString());
            Component_arabic = (rdr["item_componant_arabic"].ToString());
            Price = float.Parse(rdr["item_price"].ToString());
            Image = (rdr["item_image"].ToString());
            Category = (rdr["item_category_name_id_fk"].ToString());
    return data;

我在 GridView 中通过对象数据源选择了此方法,但网格视图显示为空

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如果只想将数据绑定到 gridview,则在后端很容易完成。假设您在Page_Load方法中执行此操作。

protected void Page_Load(object sender, eventArgs e){
    var data = Item_Getall(); //Creates a list of items by calling your method.
    gridView.DataSource = data; //assuming the ID of your gridview is "gridView". It might be something different.
    gridView.DataBind(); //binds the data to your grid. If you have it set to auto populate, it should essentially list out every public property for each object in the list.