本文关键字:一个 错误 何知道 log4net 是否 记录 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:49:25
我在控制台应用程序中使用log4net,在if/else结构中多次使用log.Error("Message to log");
我的应用程序必须返回一个代码,该代码指定在应用程序运行期间是否发生错误(0→ok, 1→至少发生1个错误)。
bool b = LogManager.AtLeastOneErrorHasBeenLogged;
public namespace MyApp
public class ErrorFlagAppender : AppenderSkeleton
public bool ErrorOccurred { get; set; }
protected override void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
ErrorOccurred = true;
<appender name="ErrorFlagAppender" type="MyApp.ErrorFlagAppender,MyApp" >
<filter type="log4net.Filter.LevelRangeFilter">
<levelMin value="ERROR"/>
<levelMax value="ERROR"/>
<appender-ref ref="[your existingappender]" />
<appender-ref ref="ErrorFlagAppender" />
public static class LogManagerExtensions
public static bool AtLeastOneErrorHasBeenLogged(this LogManager logManager)
var flagAppenders = logManager.GetRepository()
return flagAppenders.Any(f => f. ErrorOccurred);
我认为大多数人会认为询问log4net(或任何可能使用的日志框架)是否记录错误的想法是非常奇怪的。您可以控制调用log4net,因此,如果发生错误,为什么不自己跟踪呢?如果程序的用户在配置文件中关闭了日志记录,该怎么办?如果在关闭日志记录时发生了错误,并且您依赖于是否记录了错误,那么您无法知道发生了错误。Nicholas Carey建议在catch块中添加逻辑来跟踪异常是否发生。即使你不使用异常,你也可以在if/then/else逻辑中做类似的事情:
(请注意,我借用Nicholas Carey的样本作为我的答案的基础)
static int Main( string[] argv )
static int errorOccurred = 0;
if (SomeImportantPreconditionExists())
if (DoingSomeStuffWorkedRight())
log.Error("DoSomeStuff seems to have failed");
log.Error("SomeImportantPrecondition does not exist");
catch( Exception e )
log.Error("Exception of some sort", e);
return ErrorStatus();
private static void InitializeErrorOccurred()
errorOccurred = 0;
private static void ErrorOccurred()
errorOccurred = 1;
private static int ErrorStatus()
return errorOccurred;
接口来收集该信息是很容易的。问题是,log4net实例化记录器的标准方法是让每个类通过LogManager.GetLogger(Type t)
static int Main( string[] argv )
int cc ;
ExecApplicationCore( argv ) ;
cc = 0 ;
catch( Exception e )
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType()) ;
log.Fatal(e) ;
cc = 1 ;
return cc ;
using log4net;
using log4net.Core;
using log4net.Repository;
public class CountingLogger : ILog , ILogger
public IDictionary<Level , int> Counts { get; private set; }
private ILog Log4Net { get; set; }
public CountingLogger( ILog logger )
this.Log4Net = logger ;
this.Counts = this.Log4Net.Logger.Repository.LevelMap.AllLevels.Cast<Level>().ToDictionary( x => x , x => 0 ) ;
private void Count( Level level )
int count;
bool success = this.Counts.TryGetValue( level , out count );
this.Counts[level] = ++count;
public bool IsDebugEnabled { get { return Log4Net.IsDebugEnabled ; } }
public bool IsErrorEnabled { get { return Log4Net.IsErrorEnabled ; } }
public bool IsFatalEnabled { get { return Log4Net.IsFatalEnabled ; } }
public bool IsInfoEnabled { get { return Log4Net.IsInfoEnabled ; } }
public bool IsWarnEnabled { get { return Log4Net.IsWarnEnabled ; } }
public ILogger Logger { get { return this ; } }
public void Debug( object message , Exception exception ) { Count( Level.Debug ) ; Log4Net.Debug( message , exception ) ; }
public void Info( object message , Exception exception ) { Count( Level.Info ) ; Log4Net.Info( message , exception ) ; }
public void Warn( object message , Exception exception ) { Count( Level.Warn ) ; Log4Net.Warn( message , exception ) ; }
public void Error( object message , Exception exception ) { Count( Level.Error ) ; Log4Net.Error( message , exception ) ; }
public void Fatal( object message , Exception exception ) { Count( Level.Fatal ) ; Log4Net.Fatal( message , exception ) ; }
public void Debug( object message ) { Count( Level.Debug ) ; Log4Net.Debug( message ) ; }
public void Info( object message ) { Count( Level.Info ) ; Log4Net.Info( message ) ; }
public void Warn( object message ) { Count( Level.Warn ) ; Log4Net.Warn( message ) ; }
public void Error( object message ) { Count( Level.Error ) ; Log4Net.Error( message ) ; }
public void Fatal( object message ) { Count( Level.Fatal ) ; Log4Net.Fatal( message ) ; }
public void DebugFormat( IFormatProvider provider , string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Debug ) ; Log4Net.DebugFormat( provider , format , args ) ; }
public void InfoFormat( IFormatProvider provider , string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Info ) ; Log4Net.InfoFormat( provider , format , args ) ; }
public void WarnFormat( IFormatProvider provider , string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Warn ) ; Log4Net.WarnFormat( provider , format , args ) ; }
public void ErrorFormat( IFormatProvider provider , string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Error ) ; Log4Net.ErrorFormat( provider , format , args ) ; }
public void FatalFormat( IFormatProvider provider , string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Fatal ) ; Log4Net.FatalFormat( provider , format , args ) ; }
public void DebugFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 , object arg2 ) { Count( Level.Debug ) ; Log4Net.DebugFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 , arg2 ) ; }
public void InfoFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 , object arg2 ) { Count( Level.Info ) ; Log4Net.InfoFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 , arg2 ) ; }
public void WarnFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 , object arg2 ) { Count( Level.Warn ) ; Log4Net.WarnFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 , arg2 ) ; }
public void ErrorFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 , object arg2 ) { Count( Level.Error ) ; Log4Net.ErrorFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 , arg2 ) ; }
public void FatalFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 , object arg2 ) { Count( Level.Fatal ) ; Log4Net.FatalFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 , arg2 ) ; }
public void DebugFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 ) { Count( Level.Debug ) ; Log4Net.DebugFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 ) ; }
public void InfoFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 ) { Count( Level.Info ) ; Log4Net.InfoFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 ) ; }
public void WarnFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 ) { Count( Level.Warn ) ; Log4Net.WarnFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 ) ; }
public void ErrorFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 ) { Count( Level.Error ) ; Log4Net.ErrorFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 ) ; }
public void FatalFormat( string format , object arg0 , object arg1 ) { Count( Level.Fatal ) ; Log4Net.FatalFormat( format , arg0 , arg1 ) ; }
public void DebugFormat( string format , object arg0 ) { Count( Level.Debug ) ; Log4Net.DebugFormat( format , arg0 ) ; }
public void InfoFormat( string format , object arg0 ) { Count( Level.Info ) ; Log4Net.InfoFormat( format , arg0 ) ; }
public void WarnFormat( string format , object arg0 ) { Count( Level.Warn ) ; Log4Net.WarnFormat( format , arg0 ) ; }
public void ErrorFormat( string format , object arg0 ) { Count( Level.Error ) ; Log4Net.ErrorFormat( format , arg0 ) ; }
public void FatalFormat( string format , object arg0 ) { Count( Level.Fatal ) ; Log4Net.FatalFormat( format , arg0 ) ; }
public void DebugFormat( string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Debug ) ; Log4Net.DebugFormat( format , args ) ; }
public void InfoFormat( string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Info ) ; Log4Net.InfoFormat( format , args ) ; }
public void WarnFormat( string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Warn ) ; Log4Net.WarnFormat( format , args ) ; }
public void ErrorFormat( string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Error ) ; Log4Net.ErrorFormat( format , args ) ; }
public void FatalFormat( string format , params object[] args ) { Count( Level.Fatal ) ; Log4Net.FatalFormat( format , args ) ; }
#region ILogger implementation
bool ILogger.IsEnabledFor( Level level )
return this.Log4Net.Logger.IsEnabledFor( level ) ;
void ILogger.Log( LoggingEvent logEvent )
Count( logEvent.Level ) ;
this.Log4Net.Logger.Log( logEvent ) ;
return ;
void ILogger.Log( Type callerStackBoundaryDeclaringType , Level level , object message , Exception exception )
Count( level ) ;
this.Log4Net.Logger.Log( callerStackBoundaryDeclaringType , level , message , exception ) ;
return ;
string ILogger.Name { get { return this.Log4Net.Logger.Name ; } }
ILoggerRepository ILogger.Repository { get { return this.Log4Net.Logger.Repository ; } }
static class LoggerFactory
public static ILog GetLogger( string name )
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger( name );
ILog decoratedLogger = new CountingLogger( log );
return decoratedLogger;
public static ILog GetLogger( Type type )
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger( type );
ILog decoratedLogger = new CountingLogger( log );
return decoratedLogger;
public static ILog GetLogger( string repository , string name )
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger( repository , name );
ILog decoratedLogger = new CountingLogger( log );
return decoratedLogger;
public static ILog GetLogger( string repository , Type type )
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger( repository , type );
ILog decoratedLogger = new CountingLogger( log );
return decoratedLogger;
public static ILog GetLogger( Assembly repositoryAssembly , string name )
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger( repositoryAssembly , name );
ILog decoratedLogger = new CountingLogger( log );
return decoratedLogger;
public static ILog GetLogger( Assembly repositoryAssembly , Type type )
ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger( repositoryAssembly , type );
ILog decoratedLogger = new CountingLogger( log );
return decoratedLogger;