
本文关键字:属性 父类 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:57:33

如果我有一个父类或接口和 2 个从父类继承或实现接口的子类,并且我在父类中具有公共属性,但每个子类中都有一些不同的属性。我应该收集父类/接口中的所有属性还是将它们分开?

abstract class Customer
  string name { get; set; }
class GoldCustomer : Customer
  string Address { get; set;}
class SilverCustomer : Customer
  string Telephone { get; set;}


Customer c = new GoldCustomer();
c.Address // error


abstract class Customer
  string name { get; set; }
  string Address { get; set;}
  string Telephone { get; set;}
class GoldCustomer : Customer
class SilverCustomer : Customer

Customer c = new GoldCustomer();
c.Address = "";




public class Customer<T> where T : IContactInfo
    public string Name { get; }
    public T ContactInfo { get; }
public interface IContactInfo
{  }
public class GoldContactInfo : IContactInfo
    public string Address { get; }
public class SilverContactInfo : IContactInfo
    public string Telephone { get; }
public class GoldCustomer : Customer<GoldContactInfo>
     // Here does the GoldCustomer have a GoldContactInfo
public class SilverCustomer : Customer<SilverContactInfo>
     // Here does the SilverCustomer have a SilverContactInfo


public class Customer
    public string Name { get; }
    public ContactInfo ContactInfo { get; }
    // Other common properties
public abstract class ContactInfo
    public virtual string Address => "";
    public virtual string Telephone => "";
public class GoldContactInfo : ContactInfo
    public override string Address { get; }
public class SilverContactInfo : ContactInfo
    public override string Telephone { get; }


CustomerAddress吗? Telephone怎么样? 如果一般Customer没有地址,则以下内容毫无意义:

Customer c = new GoldCustomer();
c.Address = "";  // Customer does not have an Address property

实际对象确实具有 Address 属性这一事实无关紧要。 您已将其声明为 Customer 变量,因此编译器会将其视为 变量。

如果所有客户都有地址和电话,那么还有哪些其他属性或行为使SilverCustomer与"普通"客户不同? 您可能还会发现指示级别的属性 Custmoer 也更简单,但这取决于实际使用情况。