
本文关键字:角色 应用程序 分层 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:57:54




    public class OuController : BaseController {
    private readonly IOrganizationUnitRepository repo;
    public OUController(IOrganizationUnitRepository repo) {
      this.repo = repo;
    public ActionResult Details(string site) {
      //Get the site we are viewing
      var ou = repo.GetOuByName(site);
      //make sure the site really exists
      if (ou != null) {
        //Get all the roles for the current user via the role provider
        //will return the sites they are able to manage along with
        //any application roles they have
        var roles = ((RolePrincipal)User).GetRoles().ToList();
        //Get all the parents of the current ou, this will include itself
        var parents = repo.GetParents(ou, new List<OU>());
        //create a new viewmodel object
        //ou is used for details obviously
        //parents are used for a breadcrumb
        var model = new OrganizationalViewModel(ou, parents);
        //if a user has no roles, there is no way he can possibly edit
        if (roles.Any()) {
          if(roles.Contains(InfoRoles.Administrator.ToString())) {
            model.CanEdit = true;
          } else if(parents == null) {
            //If there are no parents, check if this ou is in users list of roles
            model.CanEdit = roles.Contains(ou.DisplayName);
          } else {
            //check to see if any of the roles i have are parents of the current ou
            model.CanEdit = parents.Any(c => roles.Contains(c.DisplayName)); 
        return View("Details", model);
      return View("NotFound");






    //if a user has no roles, there is no way he can possibly edit
    if (roles.Any()) {
      if(roles.Contains(InfoRoles.Administrator.ToString())) {
        return true;
      } else if(parents == null) {
        //If there are no parents, check if this ou is in users list of roles
        return  roles.Contains(ou.DisplayName);
      } else {
        //check to see if any of the roles i have are parents of the current ou
        return  parents.Any(c => roles.Contains(c.DisplayName)); 

属于类似CanRolesEditOrganizationalView(IEnumerable<RolePrinciple> roles, ...)的方法中的实用程序类。这样你的控制器就可以说:

var roles = _sessionManager.GetCurrentRoles();
model.Edit = _orgViewRightsUtil.CanRolesEditOrganizationalView(roles, ...);