ASP.NET Gridview';s的编辑文本框

本文关键字:编辑 文本 NET Gridview ASP | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:58:16

有人能告诉我如何在 c#中的网格视图中检索文本框吗?我有一堆数据显示在一个网格视图中,我希望它是可编辑的。我添加了一个编辑命令字段,它给了我这个编辑链接。当我按下这个链接时,会出现一个文本框,但我如何获取该文本框的引用,以便在调用行更新处理程序之前获取文本框内的内容并进行更改?

ASP.NET Gridview';s的编辑文本框



void AuthorsGridView_RowUpdating (Object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
    // The GridView control does not automatically extract updated values 
    // from TemplateField column fields. These values must be added manually 
    // to the NewValues dictionary.
    // Get the GridViewRow object that represents the row being edited
    // from the Rows collection of the GridView control.
    int index = AuthorsGridView.EditIndex;
    GridViewRow row = AuthorsGridView.Rows[index];
    // Get the controls that contain the updated values. In this
    // example, the updated values are contained in the TextBox 
    // controls declared in the edit item templates of each TemplateField 
    // column fields in the GridView control.
    TextBox lastName = (TextBox)row.FindControl("LastNameTextBox");
    TextBox firstName = (TextBox)row.FindControl("FirstNameTextBox");


您可以通过知道RowIndex中的行和元素名称"text_textbox" 来访问网格视图中的元素

TextBox text = ((TextBox)contacts.Rows[RowIndex].FindControl("text_textbox")).Text;