IsFacing and IsBehind calculations
本文关键字:calculations IsBehind and IsFacing | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:59:10
public static float GetAngle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
float xDiff = x2 - x1;
float yDiff = y2 - y1;
var angle = RadianToDegree((float)Math.Atan2(yDiff, xDiff));
if (angle < 0)
return 360 + angle;
return angle;
public static bool IsFacing(Point obj, float rotationAngle, Point target, float arcDegree = 180)
var angleBetweenPoints = GetAngle(obj, target);
return rotationAngle >= angleBetweenPoints - arcDegree / 2 && rotationAngle <= angleBetweenPoints + arcDegree / 2;
public static bool IsBehind(Point obj, float rotationAngle, Point target, float arcDegree = 180)
var angleBetweenPoints = GetAngle(obj, target);
var backViewAngle = rotationAngle > 180 ? rotationAngle - 180 : 180 - rotationAngle;
return backViewAngle >= angleBetweenPoints - arcDegree / 2 && backViewAngle <= angleBetweenPoints + arcDegree / 2;
rotationAngle = 0, angleBetweenPoints = 350, arcDegree = 180
test = 0 >= (350 - 180 / 2) && 0 <= (350 + 180 / 2)
= 0 >= 260 && 0 <= 440
= false
// Adjust a value to fit in the specified range
public static float Clamp(float v, float low, float high)
float range = high - low;
float modifier = ((int)((v - low) / range) - (v < low ? 1 : 0)) * range;
v -= modifier;
return v;
// Get the angle between a point+heading and another point
// Returns an angle in the range (-180..180) where:
// res < 0 target clockwise from heading
// res == 0 target at heading
// res > 0 target counter-clockwise from heading
static float RelativeAngle(float heading, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
// get angle between points in world coordinates
float angle = RadianToDegree((float)Math.Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1));
// adjust to local coordinates and normalize
return Clamp(angle - heading, -180, 180);
public static bool IsFacing(Point obj, float rotationAngle, Point target, float arcDegree = 180)
var angleBetweenPoints = RelativeAngle(rotationAngle, obj.x, obj.y, target.x, target.y);
return angleBetweenPoints >= -(arcDegree / 2) && angleBetweenPoints <= (arcDegre / 2);