本文关键字:方式 元素 枚举 选择 余元素 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:01:33
Drawable.Row alternateChoice = (Drawable.Row)ExtensionMethods.Extensions.DefaultChoice(new List<int>() { (int)chosenEnum1, (int)chosenEnum2 }, new List<int>() { 0, 1, 2 });
public static int DefaultChoice(List<int> chosen, List<int> choices)
bool found = false;
foreach (int choice in choices)
foreach (int chosenInt in chosen)
if (chosenInt == choice)
found = true;
if (!found)
return choice;
found = false;
return -1;
List<MyEnum> selectedValues = new List<MyEnum>();
selectedValues.Add(MyEnum.firstValue); // Add selected value
selectedValues.Add(MyEnum.secondValue); // Add selected value
List<MyEnum> valuesLeftOver = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MyEnum)).Cast<MyEnum>().ToList();
valuesLeftOver = valuesLeftOver.Except(selectedValues).ToList<MyEnum>(); // This will result in the remaining items (third item) being in valuesLeftOver list.
public enum NumberEnum : byte
None = 0,
One = 1,
Two = 2,
Three = 4
public string GetRemainingEnumItem(NumberEnum filterFlags = 0)
if (((filterFlags & NumberEnum.One) == NumberEnum.One) && ((filterFlags & NumberEnum.Two) == NumberEnum.Two))
//1 & 2 are selected so item 3 is what you want
if (((filterFlags & NumberEnum.One) == NumberEnum.One) && ((filterFlags & NumberEnum.Three) == NumberEnum.Three))
//1 & 3 are selected so item 2 is what you want
if (((filterFlags & NumberEnum.Three) == NumberEnum.Three) && ((filterFlags & NumberEnum.Two) == NumberEnum.Two))
//2 & 3 are selected so item 1 is what you want
var testVal = NumberEnum.One | NumberEnum.Two;
var resultWillEqual3 = GetRemainingEnumItem(testVal);
public enum Marx {chico, groucho, harpo};
public Marx OtherOne(Marx x, Marx y)
return (Marx)((int)Marx.chico + (int)Marx.groucho + (int)Marx.harpo - (int)x - (int)y);
} // OtherOne
// ...
Marx a = Marx.harpo;
Marx b = Marx.chico;
Marx other = OtherOne(a, b); // picks groucho
public class Enums2
[Flags] public enum Bits {none = 0, aBit = 1, bBit = 2, cBit = 4, dBit = 8};
public static readonly Bits allBits;
static Enums2()
allBits = Bits.none;
foreach (Bits b in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Bits)))
allBits |= b;
} // static ctor
public static Bits OtherBits(Bits x)
// Returns all the Bits not on in x
return x ^ allBits;
} // OtherBits
// ...
Bits someBits = Bits.aBit | Bits.dBit;
Bits missingBits = OtherBits(someBits); // gives bBit and cBit
} // Enums2