不能隐式转换类型'XXX'& # 39; t # 39;

本文关键字:转换 类型 XXX 不能 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:02:34


namespace ConsoleApplication1
    public interface IResult
    public class ResultA : IResult
        public string P1 { get; set; }
    public interface IService<T> where T : IResult
        T DoWork();
    public class ServiceA<T> : IService<T> where T : ResultA, IResult, new()
        public T DoWork()
            var t = new T();
            t.P1 = "value1";
            return t;
    public interface IFactory
        T GetService<T>(string documentType) where T : IService<IResult>;
    public class MyFactory : IFactory
        public T GetService<T>(string documentType) where T : IService<IResult>
            // based on documenet type I will be returning the instances of service here
            // im getting error at this line
            return new ServiceA<ResultA>();                }



public interface IFactory
    IService<IResult> GetService(string documentType);
public class MyFactory : IFactory
    public IService<IResult> GetService(string documentType)
        return new ServiceA<ResultA>();

不能隐式转换类型'XXX'& # 39; t # 39;


    public interface IFactory
        IService<IResult> GetService(string documentType);
    public class MyFactory : IFactory
        public IService<IResult> GetService(string documentType)
            //Cast needed to address the error...
            return (IService<IResult>) new ServiceA<ResultA>();



public interface IService<IResult>
    IResult DoWork();
public class ServiceA<IResult> : IService<IResult> {}

public interface IFactory
    IResult GetService(string documentType);
