
本文关键字:word 插入 书签 NET 何使用 VB | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:02:44




Dim _wordApp As ApplicationClass
Dim _doc As Document
Dim pos, len As Integer
Dim reg As Regex
Dim bookmarkName As String
Dim rng As Object
Dim search As String = "Some Text to search"
Dim nullobj As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
Dim isReadOnly As Object = False
_wordApp = New ApplicationClass()
'open the word document
_doc = _wordApp.Documents.Open(fileName, isReadOnly, nullobj, nullobj, nullobj, _
     nullobj, nullobj, nullobj, nullobj, nullobj, nullobj, _
     nullobj, nullobj, nullobj, nullobj, nullobj)
    _wordApp.Visible = False

' keyword that you want to search
reg = New Regex(search)
' find the text in word file
Dim m As Match = reg.Match(_doc.Range.Text, 0)
pos = m.Index
' start is the starting position of the token in the content...
len = search.Length
' select the text
rng = _doc.Range(pos, len + pos)
bookmarkName = "MyBookmarkName"
_doc.Bookmarks.Add(bookmarkName, rng)

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